Fat going down? Pounds going up?

Hello everyone. I posted this in general weight loss, but upon further review realize this actually belongs in this forum.

So Today I jumped on the scale and felt a bit discouraged. My scale says I have gained about 1-2lbs since I began cleaning up my diet. I haven't been able to workout the past few days because of travel and family emergencies... but I have tried to keep my calories/eating clean. Anyway...
The scale said I have gone down in fat content, but up in pounds. My stomach is looking a bit leaner that it was and I can feel muscle in my stomach. So just looking for some advice. Will the scale be shifting some more (I need to drink more water today, yesterday was stressful beyond all measure and didn't have enough).

I am going to loose 20lbs, but weight loss has been sluggish for me in the past two years.
Also, with BMR, some sites say I it is 1,555 calories a day... but I am worried that eating 1,555 will make me starve. Advice?


  • sydneybeachgirl
    forget the scale - if you see your muscles becoming more defined on your body then you are losing fat - which is what one should aim for.
    it is not the weight that one has to lose but the fat..losing weight only is easy - most of it will be water..but if you are getting fitter you would be losing fat and your muscles would show more (might not be building new muscle mass yet as that takes a long time but you will get there)..
    1555 cal is different for everyone...I struggle to get beyond 1300 (and it is not good that I cannot get to 1500 every single day) whilst some can easily make it 1800 a day..I would go with the highest number of calories you feel is fine for you....dont set yourself up for failure by declaring "my goal is 1605 and OMG I did 1635" - doesnt matter...:) one day you might meet your goal, next day you might not - you are human not a machine..you are trying to build a long term habbit so day-by-day small variations are fine (statistics :)) I think the point is to set a RANGE..e.g to eat between 1600-1800 for example and burn 400-500 .and if you are within the range then sit back and acknowledge you did well today :)