declutter :):)

I just wanted to share my story.

I spent the last 12 months on leave from university.
I had been yoyo dieting for the last 9 months and
was getting nowhere. My head wasnt in the right place.

So I wrote a journal. Only for a week but it pinpointed
my trouble areas and triggers. Since then its been about 8 weeks and ive lost roughly 8 kilo's, gained back 2 over christmas but well on the way to losong it again. In oder to focus on my diet and body I had to change everything around me first.

I boxed everything up in my house that I had never used or didnt even know I had, I had 4 wardrobes worth of clothes that I went through and threw out things that didnt fit and gave away to the op shop, I boxed up everything I didnt need around me and am now surrounded by the minimum amount of things and I already feel lighter.

I spoke to my friends and came to terms with some things I needed to deal with then I took myself away on a holiday. The last thing I did when ingot home just before christmas was to take down every photo I thought I looked fat in, throw out every magazine and picture that implied skinny was the only way to be beautiful and replaced them with pictures of my friends and family and I smiling and enjoying life. Now whenever I come home or get in my car I see photos of radiant happiness and people filled with life.

The last few months everything in my life has changed and I realised that the more clutter I have the harder life seemed to be. Now that I am clutter and drama free I feel happier and lighter and I feel myself smiling and wanting to feel wonderful about myself. Before hand the diet requirements and exercise felt like a chore. Now with my added happiness and feeling of change I feel myself reaching for it, wanting to follow it properly and I realised that
what they say is true. It doesn't happen until your ready. Seems now I am
more ready then I ever thought possible.


  • I Agee with getting rid of the things that make u feel bad. I have removed people from Facebook that always have the beautiful pics where all is great. I don't need to feel bad about myself. I now get rid of the ones that make me feel bad and stock up on pics and friends that support me!!!!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Now that I am clutter and drama free I feel happier and lighter and I feel myself smiling and wanting to feel wonderful about myself.

    Here's to a happier, healthier 2014.