160 Kg's, 194 cm and only 23.

G'day guys,

I don't generally participate in these online weight loss forums as they tend not to be aimed at my demographic (young males)

However, as a part of my somewhat cliched new years resolution I have decided to make some drastic life style changes and stop being an 'athletic guy in a fat guys body' as I sometimes call myself. I recently became a father and while my wife is very loving and supporting, I feel I am letting my ridiculous weight get in the way of living life. I don't my little boy to grow up with a fat dad who can't play with him, because I used to love running around and burning silly amounts of energy as a kid and would now as well if I wasn't looking and feeling like Jabba the Hutt.

I have tried 'diets' before and they just don't work in the long term because they are generally styled as temporary fixes to permanent problems, so hence why I'm calling it a 'lifestyle change' instead. I have the luxury of working from home and have experimented with fasting before, so I have decided that the best option for me is to give a good 12 month go of The Warrior Diet and if the results are good, I'll continue it.. If you aren't familiar with this 'diet', it basically entails only eating one large meal of mainly meat and vegetables at night and fasting for the rest of the day. Now, before some people jump on here and try to whack me with their stick of supposed all encompassing knowledge, cool your jets and do some research on it first. I'm not interested in people droning things at me like 'DON'T DO THAT BECAUSE YOU WILL OVER EAT AT NIGHT AND DIE!' or 'THAT DIDN'T WORK FOR ME! WAAAA'
On the internet you literally hear an opposing argument for every idea under the sun, so please don't feel the need to be unhelpful here or we all might die.

Anyway, as it stands I am 23 years old currently weigh 159.1 and am 192 cm tall. I plan on halving that weight and then building my muscle back up. I will do so by walking at 6 am every morning and by adhering to this strict 'warrior diet' lifestyle. I also have free weights which I will be hitting several times a week.

I'm sorry if I came across as passive aggressive above, I'm actually very nice, I just hate it when people post unfounded criticisms without any form of solution or displayed understanding.

I'm hoping to shed most of this stupid fat (80 kg) by this time next year.



  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    All the best, and I hope you achieve your goals. Everyone has their own choice about how to eat, and if WD works for you and you can stick with it, that's fantastic.

    I will say this though - if you can't stick to WD, do not think all is lost. Instead consider IIFYM or flexible dieting. It is the single most common eating technique that shows up in success stories time and time again. And it truly is a lifestyle change, because you can easily follow it until the day you die without feeling like it places an unreasonable restriction on your life.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    All the best, and I hope you achieve your goals. Everyone has their own choice about how to eat, and if WD works for you and you can stick with it, that's fantastic.

    I will say this though - if you can't stick to WD, do not think all is lost. Instead consider IIFYM or flexible dieting. It is the single most common eating technique that shows up in success stories time and time again. And it truly is a lifestyle change, because you can easily follow it until the day you die without feeling like it places an unreasonable restriction on your life.

    What he said.

    Honestly, if it works for you and you can sustain it, great. Just about any "diet" will make you lose weight, but there are far easier ways such as If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) or flexible dieting, as outlined by the kind gentleman above. Losing weight is hard enough without putting yourself through the torture of deprivation and mental anguish of failing because you're trying to do the impossible.

    Best of luck :flowerforyou: