"Stay at your curent weight!"



  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    Seeing someone as looking weak is an opinion and may necessarily not be true. A fat person may look at a skinny person and think he is weak without all that weight to throw around. Bottom line is, do you feel week? If so, then yes, you would need to address the reason why. It could be something as simple as dehydration. Do it for YOU and not anyone else.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    What stood out to me was that you were only netting 600 calories when you lost weight before. That will result in a lot of lost lean body mass, leading you to perhaps appear 'skinny fat' and 'weak'. This time, make sure you get plenty of protein and do resistance exercise to retain as much lbm as possible.
  • horsiegall
    I am thesame height as you when I made it down to 129 I was really loose because I had been heavy for 15 years as I was starting to skate I did gain weight it was because of muscle and then I had an ACL tear. The thing on facing now is I haven't been able to do nothing since April and I have put on about 15 town. I think if you look better at 140 then you should stay there but it all depends on your body type. It's best to do your resistance training and building your muscles.and I do have a question are you eating back your exercise calories do you burn?
  • skinny_baby
    skinny_baby Posts: 29 Member
    My biggest problem is eating snacks at midnight. So I guess I end up eating back my exercise calories this way. When I had lost all the weight I did it by restricting my sugar intake. But the last three months I have pigged out so much; eating sweets, cookies, sugary cereal at midnight. I just got back exercising yesterday. Hope to improve myself by limiting junk food and working out at least five days a week. So I am not sure if I answered your question horsiegall.
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    I was 174 then lost 46 pounds. My family especially my husband said I should gain more. Increased my calorie intake to 2000. So now I was 140 and everyone said "stay where you are." I kept eating and the vacations came. I gained more and now am sitting at 148 pounds on this new year's eve. I know I have to lose the pounds.

    But I am confused about what to target. At height 5'3," I had come down to 128 pounds and was wanting to lose 4 more. Had not reached my goal. Everyone started saying I look weak. Maybe because I was eating just 1200 calories and burning about 600 daily. So I am needing to lose appropriately this time.

    Please tell me how many calories I should be eating if burning 200 daily M-F. I am going to start slow because of the time I will have in January. Getting ready for a state exam. Also what is the normal weight range for me?

    Please have a fabulous new year!!

    I will try to answer your questions.
    128 for a 5’3” is a healthy weight.
    In order to lose weight, your calorie intake must be less than what it is to maintain your current weight. A healthy weekly goal is to lose a half a pound to two pounds per week. Keep in mind that 3,500 calories is equal to one pound or 500 calories per day.
    How do we know, how does MFP know how many calories we must consume in order to lose weight? There are two things we need to know, our BMR and the number of calories we are expending based on our daily activity.
    We use a formula called the Harris-Benedict principle to determine our BMR. This will tell us how many calories we will need to perform daily functions, breathing, keeping our heart beating, etc., just staying alive. To get the BMR, we need our gender, age, weight and height. MFP asks us for this information and arrives at the calories.
    Once we have the BMR we add anywhere from 20 to 50 percent of that depending on our activity level. This is called our TDEE, total daily energy expenditure. MFP asks us for our activity level and arrives with the final number of calories.
    The number arrived at is the amount of calories to maintain our weight; we need to decrease that number in order to lose weight. Decreasing 500 calories per day would create a loss of one pound a week. (It is not recommended to go less than 1200 calories)
    So, how do we decrease the 500 calories? We could exercise off 500 calories or we could eat 500 calories less or a combination. If we exercise it off, Myfitnesspal will increase the calories to stabilize the weight loss at the rate of one pound per week; and in order to keep that rate of one pound per week, we need to eat those calories.
    *MFP asks for your goal weight so that they can report your progress to you

    There is more too weight loss than this, however; and it is not rocket science. It has to do with calories. The food we once ate, is no longer. We must pay attention to the quality of the calories. Our government tells us we can have upwards of 150 grams of carbohydrates per day!! A 16 oz can of coke is 52 carbs, 190 calories and 52 grams of sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • horsiegall
    Its hard when you start eating sweets to stop! I don't like stuff to sweet like chocolate or pecan pie,but I like the simple cookies and wine(pino, merlot)I have dabbled a bit too much in December! Just got to commit ! For me I can't cheat cause god is always watching, its sounds silly however he keeps me accountable! if I get snacky at night I ask myself if I'm hungry enough to eat an apple ,if I'm not than I don't eat !its one of the tricks I use on my kids when they start snacking it really works!
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    I don't know how old you are but I'm in my mid-40s and my skin is not as taut as it once was. I have lost 15 lbs and LOVE how I'm looking these days (138 - 140 lbs), but when I was in my early twenties I was around 128 - 130 lbs (I'm 5' 5"). Honestly, I think if I were to weigh that now I would not look good because my skin is a bit more saggy, my butt is flatter now that I'm older, etc. I think I would just look unhealthy at that weight.

    My point is that whether or not you look "weak", aka: "skinny", can depend on your age.

    Also, I'm probably going to start weight/strength training when I reach my goal. I've seen the difference it makes in appearance from pics posted here on MFP and I bet tightening up that way would also help turn "weak and skinny" into "lean and fit", even without any change in actual weight.