Tips for the last ten pounds?

Hey guys, so I was wondering if anyone had any tips for sticking through the last ten pounds and how to maintain weight? I was told that I should lose five pounds under my goal weight because maintaining often leads to a small weight gain. I want to be prepared when I learn to maintain weight-so tips are needed for that too! Thanks!
CW: 128
Height: 5'4


  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    My best advice is to GO SLOW. Those last pounds are the ones your body is going hang on to with all its might. I would aim for 1/4 pound a week as this will also help to transition you into maintenance--you'll be able to get used to the idea of eating more without gaining weight.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    In for the advice -- I'm close to my original goal. I lost in 2013; I want to get stronger in 2014. I'm going to try new exercise activities, and hopefully enjoy one or more of them. I'm scared about eating more, but I'm going to change my MFP goal to maintenance & trust it to work. After all, MFP got me this far.