Stolen fire staff, super sad, what do I do?

1a1a Posts: 761 Member
Somewhere between Adelaide and Mannum in the last 24 hours, my fire staff disappeared from the back seat of my car. Stolen? Lost? Misplaced? Near Home? 200 kms away? At some goof ball's house now? Or thrown into the Murray river? I don't know.

What I do know is that I feel like I've lost a part of me. This was the first staff I ever got, fire twirling helped me find friends when I first moved to Adelaide. I abandoned it at some point but lately I've been getting right back into it and it's helping with reducing that sense of social isolation all over again. My staff was too short, quite heavy, custom made, very esoteric, no one liked it except for me, and I'd gone from like it because it was mine to loving it because I was good at twirling it and liked it for it's weight and length.

How do I deal with this? How do I stop crying over it?


  • tobejune
    tobejune Posts: 177
    The things you described as most important to you about this fire staff seem to be the way it helped you make friends. But I'm pretty sure it didn't walk up to some one and say "Hi, my name's 1a1a, lets get to know each other." No, YOU did that. You used the hobby to help you, but just remember those qualities of stepping outside of the isolation, of getting out there and participating in the world, in your life, come from INSIDE you. Not from an object. The sentimental value is obvious, and I wouldn't expect you or anyone to not feel that sad sense of loss, but at the end of the day, the memories are there, the skill and learned and practiced talent is there, and YOU are still there.

    ps. I've super duper missed you!

    edit: your name! sorry