Reasons to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide

Should I be concerned about Dihydrogen Monoxide?

Yes, you should be concerned about DHMO! Although the U.S. Government and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) do not classify Dihydrogen Monoxide as a toxic or carcinogenic substance (as it does with better known chemicals such as hydrochloric acid and benzene), DHMO is a constituent of many known toxic substances, diseases and disease-causing agents, environmental hazards and can even be lethal to humans in quantities as small as a thimbleful.
Research conducted by award-winning U.S. scientist Nathan Zohner concluded that roughly 86 percent of the population supports a ban on dihydrogen monoxide. Although his results are preliminary, Zohner believes people need to pay closer attention to the information presented to them regarding Dihydrogen Monoxide. He adds that if more people knew the truth about DHMO then studies like the one he conducted would not be necessary.
A similar study conducted by U.S. researchers Patrick K. McCluskey and Matthew Kulick also found that nearly 90 percent of the citizens participating in their study were willing to sign a petition to support an outright ban on the use of Dihydrogen Monoxide in the United States.


  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    just sharing what I read this morning and thought it would be helpful/useful for some folks.
  • binaryjester
    binaryjester Posts: 46 Member
    Penn and Teller did a study on this. Very disturbing
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Also it rusts pipes and fish fornicate in it.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I'm sure its the first of Jan not April :laugh:
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    The USA will never ban it, The government plan to get every school kid hooked on it, they even push it to kindergarten kids Free
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Imma risk it! Just call me DANGER WOMAN!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Also it rusts pipes and fish fornicate in it.

    they pee and poo in it too

    and most animal pee is mainly dihydrogen monoxide
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    It is why diet cokes are so bad for you! It is in everything now a days.
  • FatHuMan1
    FatHuMan1 Posts: 1,028 Member
    Fear Mongerer .\ /.
  • Interesting - your article resembles mine, but you posted to my article "Then what I will do with it is laugh at it. "Science".oh well "
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Interesting - your article resembles mine, but you posted to my article "Then what I will do with it is laugh at it. "Science".oh well "
    ORLY? :huh:
    So, are you saying that you have a similar reaction to my post? Are you laughing at my article? :angry:
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    As long as it's not in cauliflower, I'm safe.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    I thought DHMO was supposed to be healthy. In fact, I use it as a key ingredient in my protein smoothies. Now that my eyes have been opened, I will just have to make the smoothies with something else.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    As long as it's not in cauliflower, I'm safe.

  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Interesting - your article resembles mine, but you posted to my article "Then what I will do with it is laugh at it. "Science".oh well "
    ORLY? :huh:
    So, are you saying that you have a similar reaction to my post? Are you laughing at my article? :angry:

    So is the OP a troll post? Just to show other people how stupid they look? Not sure what your intention was when you started this thread.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I understand that alcohol consumption can help purge your body of this toxin...rather quickly. :wink:
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    It was, in fact, to illustrate the danger of pseudoscience.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    It was, in fact, to illustrate the danger of pseudoscience.

    This has the word science in it so I know it's legit.

    Thanks OP.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I thought DHMO was supposed to be healthy. In fact, I use it as a key ingredient in my protein smoothies. Now that my eyes have been opened, I will just have to make the smoothies with something else.
    No, you're ok. Once you add other ingredients to DHMO, your body no longer recongnises it.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I thought DHMO was supposed to be healthy. In fact, I use it as a key ingredient in my protein smoothies. Now that my eyes have been opened, I will just have to make the smoothies with something else.
    No, you're ok. Once you add other ingredients to DHMO, your body no longer recongnises it.
    Well, I didn't want to mention that mitigating factor, because chemicals.
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