juice fasting after 1 year of non diet

hi guys, just a quick update - I did this 'juicing fast' one year ago and I waited for all this time to 'write' about the results after one year - at that point I lost 12 pounds in 21 days because of the juicing. I kept on reading blogs or hearing people saying I ll put it all back and will have health problems etc. I did the juicing mostly beaucause of blood sugar problems ( hoped will make my blood sugar go down). Anyways I lost 12 pounds and made my blood sugar go to normal levels ( 78-100 ) ... After one year I put back 2 pounds ( they keep on going on an off depending on time of month etc) and blood sugar is still fine. I didn't diet ever again but ate much more fruits and veggies than before, I do drink juice sometimes but I had times ( vacation ) when ate even 5 3 courses meal a/day ( and in Russia not here they contained all meat etc) SO !!! this thing really works and u should all give it a try ! Not to mention other medical issues I had got solved ( some liver problem etc). ... Just wanted to let everybody know.