World's Worst Dieter but refuses to give up!

Hi everyone and a Happy New Year. I have started logging today and so far, so good! Wine and crisps untouched :) and I am still smiling...I would love some slimming buddies to support me as well as offer my support too. I am 45, married working mum of two teenagers and have failed more diets than I care to remember. I have set myself an initial target of 50lb, but for now setting myself a smaller step of 7lb. Positive thinking all the way is my moto and I hope you can join me on my slimming journey! xxx


  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Perhaps stop calling them 'diets' we're all on a diet, a diet is what we eat and drink! Think of it as a lifestyle change and your less likely to fail as there's no 'finish' line as to speak.

    Good luck!