Something is wrong

I took all last week off from training. I read somewhere that you should take 1 week off twice a year. Not sure if its BS, but figured Christmas time would be a good time to try. I was too busy anyways.

Monday I hit the weights again. Chest, back and core (cardio). Woke up slightly sore yesterday, as to be expected, and trained just my legs. I kept all the reps, sets, and weight the same. It was slightly more difficult to complete, but that is to be expected.

I then went to a local pub at 4 pm to celebrate the "irish new year", had two beers between 4 and 6 and started to develop a wicked headache. So I went home, drank 7 eight ounce glasses of water and went to bed at 10 pm, still with a headache.

This morning I woke up feeling like I drank an entire bottle of the lowest shelf vodka available, and chased it down with a 12 pack or coors lite. Not only that, but I woke up with debilitating DOMS. Like "newbie first day training my entire body in the gym for 4 hours can't even tie my shoe laces without crying" DOMS.

Now I'm sitting here, hydrating (which I'm pretty sure I am fully hydrated), waiting for my motrin to kick in, letting my 3 kids tear up the house, and wondering if I should skip my run today. Usually, running helps. But today....I'm not too sure. HAHA

I really hope I'm not getting sick.

Anybody experience this?