Concearned over teens eating habits.



  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    Saying she can't hangout with a specific friend for no real reason at all isn't going to do anything but make her rebel more
    I know an over reaction on my part. I never said anything to her about it.

    So I am over reacting. Besides a cereal selection I do keep most snack foods out just becuase of the problems it causes with sneaking and fighting over it. There are plenty of choices like yogurt fruit cheese ect. Thank you.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    If part of the problem is that she is getting more than her fair share of the packaged snacks (like granola bars), you could try divvying them up as soon as you get home. Each kid gets a zip-loc bag with their name on it and their share of the snacks. Hopefully she won't raid her siblings' stash.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I have talked to my kids about their "friends" and it shed light on what they were thinking and feeling. It may also help your daughter realize that this behavior is not good. When I was in school, I had a friend whose parents were divorced. Her mother had some eating issues and when ever she visited her she came back with issues herself. Luckily at 16, she was able to say she did not want to see her mother anymore but she still struggled with eating problems.