Struggling on Atkins OWL

I'm on about day 19 of Atkins. First week went very well, lost about 5-6lbs, and I was including the Atkins indulgence bars. Second week I lost about 1-2lb and had cut out the bars when i realized I was getting cravings again. I was quite discouraged and had started getting really bad cravings for sugar again. I had remained under 20carbs. By the second week i was finding it so difficult to consume the "fats" that i'm meant to, and struggling with keeping my calories up...Nothing is appealing to me food wise anymore, i'm starving, headachy and faint. Yet all I want is to just eat chocolate. I need help! I'm wondering if my weight loss stall is because I'm not eating enough? But I just can't stand the thought to eat anymore eggs, cheese, lettuce, and meat. I hate bacon and I'm just lost....I'm not eating more than 1000 cals most days. I've also gained 1lb. But my measurements have not gone up, thank goodness.
I did reintroduce raspberries, but they're not helping with my sweet cravings, and i never get through the portion that is "allowed". I've only had raspberries 2twice in one week. I've had a cold, and that might be contributing to things, but now my sweet cravings are so high. The only thing I had reintroduced that was new, was almonds. Now I'm wondering if it could be the almonds that have triggered cravings? Is this possible?
I don't mind cutting things out like this if the results are there, but things arent going quick enough for me and i think im getting more upset because of my cravings for sugar and lack of appetite for anything else.
I'm considering quitting, and i really dont want to.
Any help/advice would be great.



  • I tried the Atkins diet and I couldn't stand any more of it in the end, I really think its not a good diet to much meat, it's important to get a healthy lot of fruit and veg, find out what time of day you get craving for sugar, this is probably you're tired point in the day, don't fight it have a treat but only at you're weak point does this make sense
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Switch from Atkins to Keto. You'll probably feel much better doing that. I eat keto-style and I consume 1500-1600 most days. You definitely need to eat more.