Quick! Grocery Help?!

Here's my grocery list.. You think it's okay? [I wrote it out to my roomie, so you can ignore all my notes to him - I'm too lazy to edit it.]

Right as you walk in on your right [Produce] ::

Green Onion - a few bundles.
Red Onion - four.
White Onion - one bag.
Clementine mandarins [These come in a bag of like 30 - they're like little oranges.]
Kiwi [I'm not sure if you know what a kiwi is - some people don't - it's a small, brown FUZZY fruit - it's about the size of an egg.]
Avocodo [it's a better deal to get six small ones - versus the bag of large ones]
Artichokes [Get two for me and Harmony, and two if you want some.]
Two BAGS of Fresh Spinach.
Already Been Peeled Garlic [This is in the refrigrated fruit/veggies section -- ask if you don't see it.]

Bulk Food [just past Produce on your RIGHT]:
Honey Vanilla Granola
Honey Almond Granola [These may be the same thing, but just get one that looks delicious. I don't like cinnamin or anything nasty.]
Stash Tea [Harmony likes the Chai [red package], I'll take some Chamomille [yellow package], Fran likes Green Tea [green package]. Get 20 of each, and get some for you.

Dairy [On your left past bulk foods]:
60 Eggs.
One big tub of Blue Bonnet Butter
2 things of DARIGOLD [PLEASE do not get anything else!!!!!!!] Cottage Cheese - 4% - it can be LARGE or SMALL curd.
Gallon of Milk - 2%.
Shredded Cheese Four TWO POUND bags - Colby Jack, Monterary Jack, Cheddar - whatever. PLEASE don't get Mexican or Italian blend.
String Cheese - ONLY the Hytop Brand - this comes in a blue and green package - a blue strip on the bottom, and a green stripe on top.
Yogurt [I only like the kind for kids - especially those ones where you mix the stuff on the top in - especially Oreo!!]

Frozen [Just behind dairy]:
Frozen berries
Frozen Mangos
Frozen Peaches
Perogies [Those pasta potato things] - I PREFER the mini ones, so grab a couple boxes of those, but if they have the FAMILY PACK of the large ones, that will work.
Vanilla Ice Cream [try to find something low calorie/off brand/cheap - I only want it for smoothies]
Tillamook Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream
Tony's GARLIC BREAD [This looks like a pizza, but it is just a garlic bread. MAKE SURE IT IS GARLIC BREAD, AND NOT CHEESE PIZZA. I'm hoping to have this for dinner, please find it.]

Dry Food [Behind the cheeses and stuff]:
One box of Stash Acai Berry.
Two boxes of Nature Valley Sweet and Salty Nut Bars - PEANUT ONLY.
Blue Powerade Zero - a few of them.
Litehouse Ranch [I think they may have a low calorie one, but just work with it] - Three bottles.


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Lot's of nice food there. "Okay" in what way?
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Lot's of nice food there. "Okay" in what way?

    Am I missing anything?
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Cilantro, limes, skim milk and dark chocolate chunks!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Lot's of nice food there. "Okay" in what way?

    Am I missing anything?


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Lot's of nice food there. "Okay" in what way?

    Am I missing anything?



    ice cream!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Lot's of nice food there. "Okay" in what way?

    Am I missing anything?



    ice cream!

    Most Definitely This!!!! :drinker:
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Love the list! Can he do my shopping too?

    What are you looking for approval on? Lots of fresh ingredients!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Where are the lentils? :bigsmile: Just kidding, I eat tons of them.

    I like the spinach. Two bags won't go very far, not after you steam it. What about some fresh kale or collards to steam? How about some winter squash, like butternut? But it's a good list. It looks like you're having a lot of fun in the kitchen.
  • mistress8956
    mistress8956 Posts: 265 Member
    Based on the notes I'm scared of running into your roommate at the grocery store!
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I'd get some stuff to make a cake to eat with the ice cream you should also be getting from the store.
  • Meat
    Bread, tortillas, wraps, English muffins
    Baby carrots
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Ice cream
    Almond milk
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Lot's of nice food there. "Okay" in what way?

    Am I missing anything?
    Off the top of my head, bananas, broccoli, salmon, red wine, Ritter Sport biscuit.

    I don't know though, I think it'd be easier to go shopping yourself - I think roomie's gonna mess something up.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Oooh, cilantro!

    I don't eat meat, so none of that. I have peas, corn, snap peas in the freezer. Aren't onions a vegtable?

    Ice cream is totally on the list.

    I haven't really eaten lentils before - what do I make them with? Nor have I eaten kale or collards before.

    Oooh, butternut squash soup.

    I don't know how to make cake moist -- which is how I like it.. What's the secret?!

    Tortillas and hummus are on the new list -- he's making two trips. Is MaltOMeal as good as oatmeal?

    What exactly is almond milk? Mmm, oreos!

    LOL; yeah, he said he hated going to the store, so I bought him a day pass on the bus and gave him $10. :P
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Bread, tortillas, wraps, English muffins
    Baby carrots

    Good list but skip the baby carrots and buy whole carrots. Baby carrots aren't really baby carrots plus they are treated with chlorine. They are waste carrots that couldn't be sold due to their shape, so the carrot farmer whittles them down in the "baby cut" style and then treats them with chlorine to keep them from spoiling since the skin has been whittled off. Just buy regular carrots. They taste better.

    Oatmeal is good. Steel cut oats are great.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I'm allergic to bananas, but never thought of broccoli!! I'm really trying to not eat meat, which unfornately means fish.. Which is dumb, because I love fish, so might as well eat fish. I have nearly two years sober, so no wine for me. What is Ritter Sport biscuit?!

    If all he comes back with is produce, that's fine. I can buy the rest myself at Walmart.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I only like them cooked, any ideas of what to cook with them? Carrots, I mean.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

    What exactly is almond milk?

    It's... you know.... almond milk.... lol. It's exactly what it sounds like!

    Get the unsweetened kind and it's only 30 calories per serving.


    Edited to add: It tastes freakin' awesome. Before I started in June, I'd never even heard of it, and I was kind of leery to try it. It's... fantastic. I'll never drink regular milk again. lol
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I'm allergic to bananas, but never thought of broccoli!! I'm really trying to not eat meat, which unfornately means fish.. Which is dumb, because I love fish, so might as well eat fish. I have nearly two years sober, so no wine for me. What is Ritter Sport biscuit?!

    If all he comes back with is produce, that's fine. I can buy the rest myself at Walmart.

    Why are you trying to not eat meat?

    Peas and corn are not vegetables. Are you planning on just eating mountains of onion?

    Root vegetables for roasting (carrot, pumpkin, butternut, beetroot, parsnip, sweet potato, potato),salad vegies - leafy greens as a base, other vegies - mushroom, capsicum, zucchini, celery, tomato, broccoli, beans, asparagus, cauliflower...
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member

    I haven't really eaten lentils before - what do I make them with? Nor have I eaten kale or collards before.

    Oooh, butternut squash soup.

    What exactly is almond milk?

    Lentils are a dried bean. One measuring cup has 18 g protein (the protein of 3 eggs).

    They are sold in most grocery stores in the bean and rice area. They cost about $1.00 a bag, which makes about 5 cups of cooked lentils. You can also buy them in health food stores. You don't have to soak them like most dried beans. Boil them in a large pot with a 3/1 ratio of water to lentils. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer for about 30 minutes. Many people have problems eating beans because we lack an enzyme to digest the bean's coating or shell. You can get around this by soaking the beans overnight, or adding extra water and cooking them until they are soft/somewhat mushy.

    I like to cook batches of lentils and then stir fry 1-2 cups with a little olive oil in a large pan along with chopped vegetables like sweet onions and carrots or whatever I have on hand. I also add some spice, like something from the McCormick's Perfect Pinch line that doesn't have MSG. Lentils are very good eaten with boiled butternut squash and brown rice. Lentils also have a lot of iron, which is better eaten with something with vitamin C to be absorbed by the body (brown rice and vegetables have vit. C).

    Kale is super good for your immune system per the Mayo Clinic. Steam the kale, don't boil it, because boiling takes away a lot of nutrients. Collards are another leafy green in the same family of plants. They are better steamed, too. Collards are very high in calcium -- 4 cups (if you could eat that much) would give you 100 percent of your calcium for the day.

    Almond milk is a liquid almond drink with 30 calories a cup. It usually has added calcium, more than milk, but far fewer calories. If you try it, buy the Silk brand, which doesn't have carrageenan (which causes digestive problems for some people).