So what it is going to be different this time?

Hi! I have had this horrible thing called excess wieght hanging on me for almost 7 years now! Ive done the starving diets- the eating right and excercising regimen, and I just cant stay motivated long enough for it to "Stick" . i have missed out on so many things becasue I let my weight rule my life! I feel self consious, and emabarrassed because everyone knows that this wieght has been on since my youngest was doesnt help matters that the females in my husbands family leave the hospital practally looking like they were never pregnant....So my question......"What is going to be differnt this time?" I have about 65 lbs to lose, and want to know, should I stick to a strict diet and eat the same things until I lose the first 5-10 because consistency seems to work for me. Or do I try to mix things up so that I dont get bored. i need some input on this- Thanks!!!


  • skpatten
    skpatten Posts: 4 Member
    That is a great question. I want to be healthy and feel good in 2014
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Whatever you do, track food and log exercise. There's many ways to do things but I believe calories in vs calories burnt.
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member

    How about you ditch all your preconceptions, the gimmicks, etc that you have tried before that didn't ultimately work for you. Stop comparing yourself to others.....(I know, easier said than done...but the negative internal dialogue you have going isn't gonna be of any use to you will change and lose weight according to YOUR body...not someone elses).

    Prepare for the honest truth....this is gonna take time...longer probably than you want (hell than all of us want....but you didn't get 65lbs overweight overnight)......remember slow, steady weight loss is the most sustainable and at 40 your skin will thank you a hellova lot more than rapid weight loss (plenty of saggy skin issues to be had as a result of this path).

    What about you start at the beginning: Buy a food scale, weigh and log everything using MFP......the good the bad and the ugly. See how much you are actually consuming calorie wise before you implement changes.

    Again using any and all resources of MFP - read. There are so many knowledgeable people here.....most who are willing to share there insights. There are also must read threads for any newbies:

    Look for the thread of Guide to Sexypants, for example. Read Success Stories....see how they did it and look at the time they took to do it in for a reality check.

    Plug in your stats to MFP and work out your calorie allowance.....(just a bit of a tip from me, please resist going gun-ho and aiming for the 2lb a week loss setting......bit resitrictive).

    Start off making small changes to your current diet. Knock off the fizzy drinks, drink lots of water, eat more meat, veg and fruit and don't deny yourself a treat of choice when you can fit it in. Maybe start making small changes in your routine, walk more...park your car further away from work, walk to the shop, in ad breaks when watching telly get yourself up and march in place....anything that gets you moving. As you start noticing changes find more taxing exercise that appeals to you and give it a go....please seriously consider lifting much benefit, especially as we age (I'm 51).

    From what you have said.....I get the impression that you are feeling almost defeated before you start. That can happen after multiple unsuccessful weight loss attempts....your self-esteem and self-belief plummets, maybe this thought resonates with you and if so, honey I really entreat you to do all you can to reignite YOUR affirming stuff on the internet, get positive books.

    You Can do this. You are worth this transformation. Motivation comes from within. Outsiders can help....but only so far.

    I wish you all the very best.

    Add me as a friend. I have been where you are I do understand. I can support you but I am honest and challenging, if this appeals to you give us a tingle.

    Karen :flowerforyou:
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    Definitely start tracking your food and exercise, and would mix it up, it keeps things from getting boring. you are in the right place there are a ton of people and friends and that will keep you motivated as long as you are ready to make it happen you can do this.
    Add me if you want more friends, I will help support.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    This time if I lose 25 lbs by the spring again it will be on top of my already weight loss of 25 lbs lbs minus ten for a current of 15 lbs for a total of 40 lbs. From there in the spring if I continue through I will achieve goal weight some time this year summer or fall.

    I will not rely on walking with friends but just working out alone as last year has built up my confidence to workout alone and the friends I had who are no longer available due to working commitments are no longer needed due to getting over my fears anyways and just learning my body's capabilities post injury.

    The other thing that will be different is I will be incorporating more eating of real foods and less reliance on shakes since this year I learned how to get to protein goals with foods. I will also fight husbands different but specific eating style less since I've had this whole year to learn how to get the benefits I need out of it and he's accepted my need for a more balanced diet by now.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    What is different has to be YOU
    Making this a LIFESTYLE not a diet. Not a fad diet.

    Get some accountability partners. Find a workout YOU love. Track your food here.
    Know you will fall, and be ready to get right back up again.

    You never fail until you stop getting back up !
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member

    How about you ditch all your preconceptions, the gimmicks, etc that you have tried before that didn't ultimately work for you. Stop comparing yourself to others.....(I know, easier said than done...but the negative internal dialogue you have going isn't gonna be of any use to you will change and lose weight according to YOUR body...not someone elses).

    Prepare for the honest truth....this is gonna take time...longer probably than you want (hell than all of us want....but you didn't get 65lbs overweight overnight)......remember slow, steady weight loss is the most sustainable and at 40 your skin will thank you a hellova lot more than rapid weight loss (plenty of saggy skin issues to be had as a result of this path).

    What about you start at the beginning: Buy a food scale, weigh and log everything using MFP......the good the bad and the ugly. See how much you are actually consuming calorie wise before you implement changes.

    Again using any and all resources of MFP - read. There are so many knowledgeable people here.....most who are willing to share there insights. There are also must read threads for any newbies:

    Look for the thread of Guide to Sexypants, for example. Read Success Stories....see how they did it and look at the time they took to do it in for a reality check.

    Plug in your stats to MFP and work out your calorie allowance.....(just a bit of a tip from me, please resist going gun-ho and aiming for the 2lb a week loss setting......bit resitrictive).

    Start off making small changes to your current diet. Knock off the fizzy drinks, drink lots of water, eat more meat, veg and fruit and don't deny yourself a treat of choice when you can fit it in. Maybe start making small changes in your routine, walk more...park your car further away from work, walk to the shop, in ad breaks when watching telly get yourself up and march in place....anything that gets you moving. As you start noticing changes find more taxing exercise that appeals to you and give it a go....please seriously consider lifting much benefit, especially as we age (I'm 51).

    From what you have said.....I get the impression that you are feeling almost defeated before you start. That can happen after multiple unsuccessful weight loss attempts....your self-esteem and self-belief plummets, maybe this thought resonates with you and if so, honey I really entreat you to do all you can to reignite YOUR affirming stuff on the internet, get positive books.

    You Can do this. You are worth this transformation. Motivation comes from within. Outsiders can help....but only so far.

    I wish you all the very best.

    Add me as a friend. I have been where you are I do understand. I can support you but I am honest and challenging, if this appeals to you give us a tingle.

    Karen :flowerforyou:

    ^^^^^. Listen to this poster. This is exactly what you need to do. :)