Finally hit rock bottom...

yescobosa Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I have spent years putting on the weight and got up to 185 lbs. I am 46 and didn't realize just how bad I looked until I went to a family reunion and saw me in a bunch of photos. One or two you can say its the lighting, or I was standing wrong...but when you in more than 10 and you look like a damn hippo, is when I said enough is enough. I have been working out for 6 weeks now have not lost an ounce of weight (very frustrating), then I discovered myfitnesspal and started logging my food...OMG! I discovered I was eating WAY more than I should be...explains why I wasn't losing weight. Now that I am logging what I eat and still working out the weight is starting to come off slowly. The first week on the treadmill all I could do is walk. The second week I tried to run and couldn't even make it through 5 minutes. Now into week 6 I am running 25 minutes at 4.5! My body is slowly taking shape and I just have to keep telling myself it took me years to put it on, it will take time to take it off. With all that said, I am proud of myself for taking control of my life and taking care of me!


  • lmvince
    lmvince Posts: 54 Member
    I understand what you were feeling. I used to look at myself in pictures and cry. Logging in my food intake on this site is fast and easy, and helps me stay on track. I love the support people give each other.

    Losing the weight is like working to save a million dollars. It's gonna take some time and discipline, but in the's well worth it!
  • That sounds like me too.... my face looked like a chocolate balloon with a weave in pictures; I didn't realize that I'd lost my jaw line...ANNNND just like you I was hittin' the gym like a champ, but eating like a chump and didin't lose a flippin' pound....until i realized I was eating a ga-normous amount of food....found MFP on my phone and its been soooo much easier to drop the weight or when I don't i know excatly why.....I wish you nothing but thebest sister!
  • Thanks! I will be super happy if I can loose this weight. You hang in there...I agree its so nice to have the support, I sure don't get it at home.
  • Thanks for all the support guys!
  • danogg1028
    danogg1028 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow...this sounds identical to something I could have written! I'm in exactly the same denial that I really looked like from the camera. I saw a pic of myself that someone had posted on Facebook and was mortified by what I looked like...lots of rolls with a muffin top!! I'm determined to make this work. Hubby is really skeptical and not very supportive and rightfully so because he's watched me lose and gain many many times over the years we've been together. I've finally convinced him that I really would like a treadmill...gettin one for Christmas :) I've started the Couch to 5K running program in the meantime to prove to him that I can dedicate myself to this...and to prove it to myself too of course :)
    Good luck to us both in our quest to become healthy in our 40's!!
  • Your story is SO familiar to mine, except the age. But then again, age isn't anything but a number. Anyway, I finally got tired of looking at pictures of myself with my toddler and wondering who that large (read "fat) woman is holding her. It is hard to believe that this occurred.
    MFP has been great in helping watch what I eat. I think the exercise tracker is the most important for me. It is a great motivational tool. I know that I hate to look at my daily totals without seeing at least 30 minutes of exercise.
    Anyhoo- keep up the hard work. We can do this and have the beautiful pictures as proof in the end!
  • Make sure you do this for you and not for your husband! I have found that I have to be my own worst critic and own best friend when it comes to weight loss. My goals are daily, not I can't get upset with myself. When I do work out daily I tell myself how proud I am of me! Lots of positive thinking and lots of loving thoughts. We can all do this, I think we just need to start loving ourselves again. I am rooting for everyone here and sending prayers of love.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    sounds like me!! I hate myself in pictures - I haven't taken one for years, but now everytime someone snaps my picture all I can think of is UGH!! I'm trying to be better and accept myself the way I am at least until I lose the weight I need to lose, but heh, I'm a work in progress right now. I'm not where I need to be, but thank God, I'm not where I used to be.

    Good luck!
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