New and looking for friends with thyroid problems!

:flowerforyou: Hi everyone!! Happy New Year!!

I am new here and I am looking for friends who are looking to lose weight or having success with weight loss with their thyroid problems. Or if you want to be friends where we can cheer each other along the way!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I lost 20 lbs. last year w/ Hashimoto's. My endo says that b/c I take Synthoid I can lose just like everybody else. But I worked really hard & lost really slowly.

    MFP has a "Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism" group:

    Edited to say "welcome" & add: take before pics and read this:
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Hypothyroidism here. AND PCOS! Double the fun :drinker:
  • FreedomSand
    FreedomSand Posts: 30 Member
    I have Hashimoto's, take Levoxyl. I find using this site to track my food and exercise helps with losing weight.

    Biking works for me. I do weights machines to build muscle, then ride the bike for half an hour. Using Expresso bikes has REALLY helped me!
  • amyreulet
    When I was a teenager I was diagnosed with Grave's hyperthyroidism, When I was 20 years old I had RAI which turned my thyroid into mush, no I have no thyroid and I am considered hypothyroid for life. I am 37 years old now, I managed my weight pretty well up until I had my daughter 7 years ago which my weight shot up to 255 pounds. I struggle with this daily. I have done numerous diets, joined gyms, etc. I know there is a way to lose weight. I just haven't found it yet, or I am just impatient. I can use friends who understand what this disease does to you. BTW I also have endometriosis! Fun fun!
  • FreedomSand
    FreedomSand Posts: 30 Member
    So you ARE taking the replacement pill correct? Then, you need to settle in to a workout routine that suits your schedule. For me, workouts in the morning are best. So I go to the YMCA three times a week. I do the weight machines - lower and upper body - and then I do the Expresso bike.

    Food: I don't use any specific diet plan. I know what to eat and what NOT to eat, and I stick to it. Did you know that, for those of us with Hashimoto's, a gluten free diet is recommended? So you don't have this, but perhaps that will help you. Start by cutting out all wheat products: cereals, pasta, bread, cakes and pies, etc. Yes, other grains have gluten, and gluten is an additive in many foods. But start with the wheat.

    I know I need to eat lots of vegetables, especially the leafy green ones, so that is what I focus on. My meal / menu plan STARTS with that, NOT with the protein. Brussel sprouts, kale, broccoli, all are great ones.

    When entering food in this site, take a look at the 'serving' that comes up. I recently had a rotisserie chicken, and sat down and ate what I 'used' to eat: 2 legs, 2 thighs, and the back. YUMMY! Then I came over here to enter it and discovered wow, ONE LEG is considered a protein serving! So I really over did it!! OK, now I know. (I knew, it was the holidays and I didn't care, lol). So you learn as you work through this.
  • believer1988
    if it helps, i have hypothyroid and have been on medicine for 10 years and in 4 months i lost 25 pounds just counting calories :) you can do it!!
  • amyreulet
    Yes I am on Synthroid. Last year I begged my doctor to let me try Nature-throid because of all the hype about it. But it does not seem to be helping. So I am going back to my synthroid with cytomel. starting tomorrow! I know I feel my best when my TSH is between 0.6- 1.5. If I go any higher or lower I feel terrible with bloating, weight gain, hair loss, you name it. I recently found out I am vitamin D def. So now I am taking 2,000 of Vit D a day. I go back in about 5 weeks to get my levels rechecked.I usually stay on top of my labs and medication. I did a paleo diet for 4 months and loss 13 pounds, it was quite depressing when everyone else was losing 30-40. I need motivation and know I am not alone in this.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I lose weight way slower than anyone else. I have Hashi's, I'm 45, and I'm only 5'1 or 2". It sucks, but it is what it is.

    I console myself w/ the thought that a super slow loss means I'm less likely to gain it all back. (Unlike the "Biggest Loser" contestants.)
  • believer1988
    you can do it hunni! lots of ppl think to themselves ,' there is no use into trying to lose weight if i have a thryoid deficiency cause its too hard. I beg to differ. yes, it may taker LONGER but its not that hard. Trust me, i have my sisters, mother, grandmother and all my aunts from my mom;'s side with thyroidism AND diabetes. Its not impossible, what really makes it hard is how determined you are. :flowerforyou:
  • amyreulet
    thank ya'll so much! I am gonna do this!
  • believer1988
    yes!!! thats the spirit!! there will be days you want to give up, just get past it and by this time next year, you will be so happy you started :) plus summer is coming and you'll be ready, you'll see! Happy New Year hun!:drinker:
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    I've been hypo for a long time. You can do this. It's a little blip to make sure your meds are at the right level and that level changes based on lots of stuff, including how much weight you've lost. I've lost 50 and have had to have my meds adjusted twice.

    No real secrets, just the same stuff that works for everyone else.

    I'd be happy to help with whatever I can.
  • amyreulet
    Thank ya'll so much. I have battled this disease for a long time. No one really understands around me. Its kind of ooohh there she goes talking about her thyroid again( lack of). Any exerise tips besides walking can u recommend? My endo actually told me not to over do it, cause it may set me back. Any suggestions?
  • Southsong
    Southsong Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you believer1988! I can do it!
  • believer1988
    Thank you believer1988! I can do it!

    no problem! :drinker: yes you can!!
  • believer1988
    Thank ya'll so much. I have battled this disease for a long time. No one really understands around me. Its kind of ooohh there she goes talking about her thyroid again( lack of). Any exerise tips besides walking can u recommend? My endo actually told me not to over do it, cause it may set me back. Any suggestions?

    I hear walking is great. if you want to am that up a bit, try jogging. there are also many dvds that are relatively inexpensive and you can do those in the comfort of your own home. I like Leslie Sansone and I will be starting 30 day shred tomorrow :) Basically any thing that makes you move, 20 min a day is just enough :)
  • bluesy8899
    bluesy8899 Posts: 68 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a thyroid cancer survivor and take replacement hormones. I'm here every day and committed to my goals.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    I got 99 problems but my thyroid ain't one.

    However, lots of good people on MFP with thyroid issues in both directions. Perhaps searching for a group will yield some thyroid specific helps?
  • NorseMaiden
    NorseMaiden Posts: 95 Member
    You can do this! I've taken Synthroid for years now and Had super success following my calorie counts and simply walking a lot. I've had a few ups and downs this past 6 months and have gained some weight back...But that's all water under the bridge! New Year! New Me! New You! You got this! MFP works!
  • DoYouEvenDubstep
    Hi there! I'm looking to lose weight just like everyone else around here lol. I'm 19 and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto Thyroiditus when I was 13 (I think). Losing weight has been a constant struggle, but if ya push hard enough it can happen! :)