
Hi ,I am new here....
I have been hypothyroidism now for about 12 years and I find it very difficult to lose weight. I have gained about 45-50 lbs since then...so I am looking for some help to try lose this unwanted weight....can anyone help???


  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Sure! Feel free to add me. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS. I'm on medicine for it, but if I don't keep on top of getting my levels checked my weight can give me more issues!
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    I have hypothyroidism as well. As long as I have the right amount of replacement hormone, I do just fine with weight loss. Make sure that you get your blood levels drawn regularly. Let your doc know that you are trying to lose weight and want his/her help with this
  • debbie2623
    I also am hypothyroid for 10 plus years and the older u get the harder to maintain the weight even with meds the best advice I can give u is workout walk weight train yoga etc pick one or even better all of the above it is very hard to lose weight with this disease but u can maintain if u stay on top of it good luck and see an endocrinologist if u haven't already
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Hello. I've been taking synthroid since 2001. Since 2007 my levels have been going up and down. My thyroid is dieing a slow death but tries to fight back every so often (This is what I've been told).

    My advice? Make sure your doctor understands the new normal TSH levels. It was believed in the past that over 5 was fine. However most people (including myself) feel better between a 1 and 2.

    If your thyroid levels are in a good place with medication, you shouldn't have problems losing weight because of your thyroid.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Welcome! Take before pics and read this:

    I lost 20 lbs. last year w/ Hashimoto's. My endo says that b/c I take Synthoid I can lose just like everybody else. But I worked really hard & lost really slowly.

    MFP has a "Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism" group:
  • snowangel43
    snowangel43 Posts: 7 Member