Netflix for Wii or PS3

Hey all...just wanted to drop a quick note about a recent find. I'm sure that most of you have heard of netflix...if not, look it up because it's awesome! The family and I are addicted to netflix and the other day while searching for movies for my son I stumbled upon an area full of exercise videos! Now if you have a Wii or PS3 you can order a free DVD and stream all of the watch instantly videos directly on your TV!!! I love trying new things, but I don't have time to take classes at the gym, and the same old routine gets boring. Working out at home works best for me. This morning I did yoga and tomorrow I'm trying pillates...all from my living room! you have no idea how excited I am! I was going to purchase a few videos just the other day and now I don't have to! This is my saving grace! Check it out if you have it, and if you don't...get it! :happy:


  • sk_letsdothis
    sk_letsdothis Posts: 44 Member
    I do use that service and it's awesome...I love the 10 minute workouts! At first I was like 10 minutes??? How hard could that be? boy was I was awesome! There are also tons of great workouts there! Thumbs up from me :)
  • stringcheeze
    To add, if you don't have a Wii or PS3, but love the idea of streaming Netflix (and any digital videos you've purchased through look up the Roku player. You just need to have internet available to the box (either WiFi or traditional land line).
  • GingerDarlene
    Most of your digital cable providers; have that as well, We have Comcast and with Comcast on demand you can get the videos as well, and it is great to be able to try new things!!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    our DVD player was dying, so we splurged on a blu-ray player that had netflix available on it as long as you had an i-net connection :)

    LOVE IT!