Trying it again

I am new to this site, but not new to trying to lose weight and getting healthy. I need to lose 70-80 lbs. I am 36, married and have 2 young girls. I eat very unhealthy and therefore so do my kids. I really need to learn a way to get healthy and eat right so I can also pass it on to my kids. I eat when bored, hungry, tired, alone, I guess all the time. I don't even know why sometimes, I even tell myself, "you're not hungry you don't need to eat" but I do anyway. my husband is skinny, he can eat anything and not gain a pound. he loves me for me and does not care that I have gained close to 80 lbs since we have been married. I weigh more now then I did being pregnant. I have no real support system. my husband and I work opposite shifts so don't see much of each other. I have no friends and my sister lives 2 hours away. so I have to try to do this on my own and just have no idea where to start or how to keep myself going.....
I have tried posting to these sites before and everyone says helpful things, but really I can't seem to find the way or will power to make it all work for ME!!!
I told my self this is a new year and I want to be thinner by my 12 year anniversary in June. so that is my goal. if I can find a way to lose 10 lbs a month I would be happy. I guess I will be happy just to see the scale go down instead of up.
any useful tips or hints would be great. we are very tight on money so I never now how to shop all the recipes I find call for things I have never heard of. I want to just find nice, easy healthy meals made of things I know how to cook and where to buy in a small town.

thanks for letting me vent.
here's to the new year and hopefully a new ME!!


  • rsum77
    rsum77 Posts: 30
    Glad to see you are going to get healthy. That is what we are all on MFP for. Moral support and a friend on the journey to a healthier life. You can add me as a friend. Good luck!!