Insanity Buddies



  • Nailah1109
    Nailah1109 Posts: 13 Member
    This was just the group that I've been looking for!! :smile: I'm on Day 3 of Insanity and would love to keep up with everyone's success stories along the way... Feel free to add me!
  • Jordy1983
    Jordy1983 Posts: 25 Member
    I was two weeks away from finishing Insanity at the end of November. Then I hurt my back. Twice.

    Now I'm all better and am very much looking forward to getting at it again (even though I'll have to start all over). I'm dreading it a little because of the initial soreness, but it'll be worth it. I loved it when I was doing it!

    Good luck to you all!

    Bizarre. I had the exact same thing happen to me 2 weeks away from the end. Not sure if it was a certain exercise that I wasn't doing properly. I thought it might have been the side push ups.
  • virginialsteele
    I started insanity on Jan 5th 2014! Today is day 5 for me! After the fit test on day 1, then day 2 I was so sore and could barely walk! The pain was a good sign that the videos will actually work me out pretty well over the next 60 days! Looking forward to everyones results, questions and advice!!! Good luck everyone!!! Feel free to add me! ;-)
  • j0705
    j0705 Posts: 185
    ill be starting it again on monday 13th jan.. started it in december and had to stop due to a bad back :P
  • majlinehan
    majlinehan Posts: 14 Member
    Cant walk today! My calves are burning! Only on day 3! hahah
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Hey guys I just completed my insanity again my first time I lost 20 lbs in 2012 this time 12 lbs here are pics

    I also made a group called insanity all the way

    You guys are welcome to join I actually joined 2 other groups it helped keep me going
  • lelliott0307
    lelliott0307 Posts: 12 Member
    I completed my fit test last night and I'm doing the first work out this evening after work. Let me ask everyone, when is the best time for you to work out?
  • virginialsteele
    I prefer to workout in the morning! I have something small and healthy to eat before the workout, that way I have energy to "dig deep"!! Working out in the morning allows me to not have the worry about exercising for the rest of the day. Evenings are for my husband and kids so it works perfect for me!!
  • kmariin
    On day 3 of insanity and the meal plan! Its my first time through. ADD me for support!!
  • lelliott0307
    lelliott0307 Posts: 12 Member
    I feel the same way today! Yesterday was my day 1....AHhhh! I love it
  • AKTaylor1993
    Just starting my 2nd week tomorrow! If anyone wants to add me feel free!
  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
    Just finished my last workout of week two - Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs…It was nuts!! Hated every second, but got through it and am so glad I did. Keep pushing!!!
  • RichEvs86
    I'm about to start my Insanity journey! 1st Fit Test tonight, bring it on!!
  • wilkinsons11
    Just finished day 4 having to stop throughout or down grade to low impact version but am making it all the way to the end. Damn even the stretched and the 'recovery' day is tough. I never knew I couldn't jog on the spot anymore, can't wait to lose this 10 kg. Have been eating really well, at this stage I am not struggling. Am not drinking anything but water. I feel really good and pleased with myself every time I complete the workout and get through the day being healthy. Definitely not eating more than 1200 calories. I have taken before pictures but am not going to post them till afterwards. Has anyone seen the before and after pictures on the insanity website? Do you think these are real?
  • virginialsteele
    awesome job!!!! I just finished day 1 of week 2! I keep thinking this is going to get easier....who am I kidding?! However, I love how motivating the entire videos are!!! Keep Pushing!!!
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Yes they are real. I have a friend who started her journey at 220lbs, she is now down to 135lbs. She looks great! Watch youtube and see real peoples journeys. It is amazing!
  • jrmulford82
    I've run through Insanity a couple times and I enjoyed it. It's difficult, but worth it. It will definitely trim you down. I'm currently doing Shaun T's new workout, Focus T25. I like it a lot so far and the moves are pretty fun. Good luck =)
  • jamiesuperfox
    jamiesuperfox Posts: 5 Member
    did my first insanity workout today looking for buddy's
  • babyweight50
    babyweight50 Posts: 4 Member
    Currently into week 3 and completed day 2 - the plyometric circuit training today. Feeling a little unmotivated. Would love to join a support group or find some buddies for some extra motivation!
  • virginialsteele
    Just curious to know what everyone is entering under the Exercise Tab daily in your logs on here? I've been using Circuit Training....says I burn 370 calories in 45 mins! I don't have a Heart Rate Monitor to track....Can anyone say if they know about how many calories your burning when doing the Insanity workouts?