Trying to kick night time snacking



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    sometimes if I am hungry I drink a glass of water and then am not hungry..

    90% of the time yo are not really hungry, you just think you are..

    that is what was great about IF, it taught me a lot about hunger, and when I really am hungry, rather then when I thought I was hungry….
  • youdontknowwhatyousaw
    Brush your teeth. No one feels like eating after they brush their teeth, everything tastes weird. This is what I do if it's a boredom thing and not actual hunger. If it's hunger, I eat, no matter what my calorie goal says.
  • Rhester85
    Rhester85 Posts: 9 Member
    Brush your teeth. No one feels like eating after they brush their teeth, everything tastes weird. This is what I do if it's a boredom thing and not actual hunger. If it's hunger, I eat, no matter what my calorie goal says.

    I laughed at this but it is true. I think I'll start doing it :laugh: :happy: :smile:
  • MissSaraDee
    MissSaraDee Posts: 1 Member
    100 calorie popcorn is my go to night time snack! delicious and because it takes a while to eat piece by piece it ends up being pretty satisfying too!
  • queenofheartz44
    queenofheartz44 Posts: 17 Member
    I like the idea of jello. I have several boxes of jello here, do you know of any way to make snack sized portions? Similar the ones you buy without shelling out the $$ for packaging.
  • tiffaniedemayo
    tiffaniedemayo Posts: 38 Member
    I too have a big issue with night time snacking/ munching. I'll do great all day, then evening comes, and I feel like I "deserve" that pint of Ben & Jerrys ice cream, or Oreo's and milk, OR I get depressed because I've not been seeing any change in how my cloths fit, or on the scales.
    I used to roller skate 4 times a week in the evening, so when I got home I had a snack, and it was fine because I just burned something like 1848 calories(that's 462 calories burned per hour for a 150 pound person). Now I haven't been able to skate, but am still snacking at night, it's really given me the "OMG Your pregnant" look! I did find a good crunchy salty snack that works(Kale chips), but I seem to always crave sugar. I love the idea of Jello, but can't stand the sugar free Jello, because the artificial sweetener in it makes me so sick. Anyone make their own sugar free jello with gelatin and juice? I need something I can make ahead of time, so when the urge strikes me, I can just grab it, or i'll munch on whatever is handy.
  • _shannon92
    _shannon92 Posts: 33 Member
    I wear a retainer, so around 7 I go brush my teeth and put it in. It's the only way to keep myself from not snacking when I have no calories left for the day. I'm just way too lazy to take it out, then have to brush my teeth all over again! :p
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I always save at least 150 calories for some snacking between dinner and bed: Outshine coconut bars, angel food cake, homemade sugar-free chocolate pumpkin muffins, air-popped popcorn, water crackers and Nutella. . . those are my most common before bed snacks.
  • failteromhat
    failteromhat Posts: 33 Member
    I have this. I could eat an entire packet of biscuits (cookies) once the "day's worj is done". It's definately a habit with me.
    What helps?
    Vanilla Roiboos tea, Low Cal Hot CHocolates (not sure where you are but in UK/Ireland there are Options and Cadbury Highlights- 40 cal a serving), if I have the drink and then nibble some chopped veg I can be ok, once I start eating junk- forget it.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Go for a jog....
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Set a time like 7pm and that is your cutoff time for eating no matter what
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    I have this issue and found some stuff helps:

    I don't keep food in my living room. Sounds stupid but I was guilty of having a little bowl of candies or treats out on the coffee table. That's basically a disaster waiting to happen. All food lives in the kitchen.

    I do not keep delicious snack treats in the house in big quantities. If I want a candy bar that badly I can walk the ten minutes to the store to get it. No convenience snacking.

    I eat my dinner later than I used to- from 7pm to about 8:30. And I drink a lot more water with my meal- about 750ml.

    I save some calories for the end of the day, say 100-250 and before I go to bed I'll have a big mug of peppermint tea and a corn thin with peanut butter or a mini candy bar or two salted caramels... whatever it is. There's a small ritual around making the tea, putting whatever you chose into a little dish, bringing it into the living room and curling up with a blanket and a book/ good TV.

    Not sure how transferable this is but it helped me and I hope it's at least a little useful to you!
    Good luck!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Just keep enough calories for night time :)
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    1. Knitting
    2. Sugarless gum
    3. Hot tea or sugar-free cocoa
    4. Sugar free jello

    Jello notes: I like the 10 calorie cups with a tablespoon of cool whip. It's a dessert-y thing I can eat with a spoon. If I need finger food, Food Lion sells bags of firm little jello squares you can put in a bowl and eat like popcorn. You can also make jello yourself this way, you just make it with less water, then cut it up however you want.

    For a savory snack, I get Annie Chun's seaweed snacks. They're toasted seaweed sheets that you eat like chips. 20 calories per serving, 60 for the whole package.

    Final note: For me, snacking at night was just a habit. I had made it my evening hobby. I would just start grazing and not stop until I was hurting. It took months, but I've finally broken the habit of immediately cramming food in my face once my kid was in bed for the night. It doesn't feel like torture anymore to say no to eating at night.

    This is what worked for me. Hope some of it helps. :smile:
  • belleamore1234
    belleamore1234 Posts: 105 Member
    Save some of daily calorie allowance for your evening snack there is nothing wrong with doing that, if you feel deprived in the evening your more likely to come off your plan. So shave some calories off lunch and dinner so you can still have an evening snack
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    One thing that is helping me this time around is making my evening meal really big by using loads of veg. Current fave is half a white cabbage sliced and roasted. When that is filling up your plate, with whatever else you are having, it takes you ages to eat and fills you up. I like that feeling of having had a 'big' meal without the calorie intake. It then makes it easier to listen to the signals from my belly - which are generally, nope, still stuffed thanks :smile:
  • serendipity57
    serendipity57 Posts: 153 Member
    Save calories for night time snacking. I eat up till 11:30pm every night.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Me too
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Yup, I think most people have this problem and I think it's just comes from the fact that all we do is think about food and count calories all day long. By the end of the day, mentally, I can't stand it anymore and get the urge to just throw caution to the wind and eat whatever the hell I want. But once it starts it goes from one thing to the next to the next, small thing here, small thing there, salty/crunchy, sweet, salty/crunchy, sweet. For me it is usually due to the fact that I am super low on calories and my body wants them. Other times I am just bored or it's just a craving. The water/gum/tea thing doesn't work for me at all. It has to come down to discipline and will power (for me) and eventually, not snacking at night becomes a habit... just like snacking at night is a habit. I also save up some calories for snacking at night sometimes. I am a snacker anyway and would much rather snack my way through the day and night vs. having one big meal so it was important for me to let myself snack... If all else fails, I jump on the elliptical for a quick 10 or 15 minutes, the workout always takes my urge away. If that fails I just go to bed and forget about it hahahaha. Also, I am a breakfast person and almost always go with an egg white omelete, turkey, one slice of 35 calorie whole grain/oatmeal bread, spinach and a triangle of laughing cow light swiss. This works wonders for me... enough protein/veggie/fiber/carb, etc. to get me through the morning and well into the afternoon. Then I switch to Shakeology for lunch and dinner with raw veggie snacks in between. This works for me, may not work for you...
    But hope it helps.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    OH, I almost forgot, there is one thing that helps me tremendously with the sweets and it is a drink mix (packet). It's sweet and yummy and contains a ton of vitamins/minerals, no stimulants, no calories or sugar. I mix it with a tall glass of ice water and sip on it through the night... it works like a charm! Message me and I can give you the name of it. I am not naming products here for fear of being accused of a salesperson :)
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Save calories for night time snacking. I eat up till 11:30pm every night.

    Yep, IMHO that's the best way to do it. Why try and struggle with willpower every night? Just save up a couple hundred calories for a good night time snack!