Half-marathon: Will I finish in time?



  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    You got this!

    I did my first half at the end of September in 3:37 minutes. I alternated between running and walking whenever I felt the urge.

    The only person you are racing against is yourself! Enjoy it!
  • sarie943
    LOVE all this motivation!! Thank you all!! Gotta love runners and healthy-minded people!!!!!!! :-D
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    OMG! I had to read through this thread. I started thinking to myself that my 1st goal is coming up in April and I have nothing after that. so...crazy me...why not start thinking of training for a 10k, or - (I guess my friend's words have gotten through my thick skull!?!?) GASP a 1/2 marathon!

    From the looks of if, it sounds like you will be fine. Have you run in any other events? I only ask because I've done 3 5K's, 2 were events, and 1 was a "virtual" one I ran here at home. Still the same mileage, still the same chugging away, but there was something different about being in a place with other people, all with the same mindset...I found I turned my headphones down a bit & got encouragement from people next to me cheering their partners on. (I run solo, train solo on a day-to-day basis)

    Just pace yourself & have fun. You can do this!! (and let us know how you do!)
  • heyjay31
    heyjay31 Posts: 79 Member
    My 1st half is in March!!! I'm putting in the miles each week, 2 days of hardcore intervals to work on speed, and 1 long run per week. I'm also nervous but super stoked too. You got this & enjoy the journey!!!
  • ema727
    ema727 Posts: 18 Member
    Usually the course time limit starts after the last runner crosses the start line.

    I do run/walk intervals too and find that the lower my intervals are, the faster I run. I have changed from 3:1 intervals to 1:1 for races and it is so much easier to maintain your pace. Give it a try and you will be amazed. Jeff Galloway does 30sec:30sec (or really short) intervals and qualified for Boston.
  • sarie943
    8 min/mi—run 4 min/walk 35 seconds
    9 min/mi— 4 min run-1 min walk
    10 min/mi—-3:1
    11 min/mi—2:30-1
    12 min/mi—-2:1
    13 min/mi—-1:1
    14 min/mi—30 sec run/30 sec walk
    15 min/mi—30 sec/45 sec
    16 min/mi—30 sec/60 sec

    I wish that was how fast I would be... I usually jog 6 min and walk 1 min, putting me at about a 14 min/mile pace lol
  • sarie943
    I started making my intervals smaller too, in order to run them faster and maintain a faster walking speed. It lasted thru 7 miles the other day, so that's a plus!
    I'm super excited because this is my first half AND my first race ever... well it would have been, but I then decided I want to do a race every month this year (money permitting)! Otherwise I've only done a virtual series (5 miles at the beginning of four months in a row). I'm going to hit my first 5k race sometime this month- just gotta find someone to do it with me (I feel like I want someone for a shorter run, but will do it by myself if need be!)!!
    Anyone in San Diego doing a 5k some Sunday in the next couple weeks?? ;)
    I think I WILL do the Surf City Half on Feb 2nd also!! Holy cow, I LOVE this journey!!!!!!!!!!
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    I do a full marathon in May and I have doubts sometimes but I remember that I'm doing this for me. I'm accountable for me and I'm doing something about it. That's the hardest step. 15 min/mile isn't shabby so don't let it get you down. Don't forget that as you lose weight you times will naturally go down due to carrying less weight and getting fitter. I started at 225lbs and now 179lbs and times are down by almost 5 mins/mile! We all have to start somewhere - that isn't important. Its where we are headed that is!
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    this thread was great... i've only ever run a few 5ks with a 13/min mile pace and I thought I was going to die afterwards... now there is a whole crew of people who seem to think I can run the half marathon in Pittsburgh with them... I think they are nuts and asked them to give me a month to see what I could do... my goal is actually to train at a slow pace (14 min mile) and get my endurance up and then go from there... 3 day a week runs with some cross training... if I can get up to 6-7 miles by the end of the month maybe I'll consider it but the encouragement from those of you on here is fantastic!
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I wish that was how fast I would be... I usually jog 6 min and walk 1 min, putting me at about a 14 min/mile pace lol

    :) You'll be faster than you think in a race.

    There's always someone that needs to be passed. :D
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    train but don't overtrain, you will be fine.
    You have plenty of time.
    As for the time limit, what does that mean? Do they stop you if you are not at a certain point at a certain time?
    I am curious because in a recent run I was in there were runners that started in a corral towards the back that were under the time but were cut off anyway. Others said they didn't make the time but ran the entire thing anyway.
    I do think that many runners tend to get better times (as long as they are healthy for the run) because of adrenaline. I know my time surprised me.

    Not sure if this was answered as I don't feel like reading through but typically in marathons and half marathons they have "sweepers" cars that follow behind the runners. You're supposed to be at a certain point/pace at a certain time and if you're not then the sweepers pick you up and you're done.

    OP: You have 4 more months to train. There is no reason why you can't increase your pace time. Not sure what training you're following but I highly suggest doing speed intervals as well as tempo runs. When I was training for a half my program had one regular paced run, speed work where I had certain paces to run the speed portion at, one painfully slow recovery run and a long run. The following week the speed work was replaced with a tempo run at a certain pace. That helped my pace time a LOT.

    In all honesty though if this is your first half marathon then I wouldn't worry about time. You run your first and race your second. If you have to take walk breaks take walk breaks. It doesn't matter what time you finish it just matters that you finish.
    :) You'll be faster than you think in a race.

    There's always someone that needs to be passed. :D

    Yes, yes and YES! Give yourself little goals as you run. Pick someone out in the crowd that maybe you started near and who is ahead of you and make your goal to pass them. Then find another person etc. etc. It will keep it fun and challenging and give you the little internal "YES!" when you pass them.