Kettlebell Exercise

Anyone use a kettlebell(s) for exercise? Any weightloss success?


  • newnarelle
    newnarelle Posts: 40 Member
    Not as yet, but just bought some kettle bells yesterday and looking up some routines so about to find out. I like the idea of kettle bells, however hate weights, so hoping this will help me with weight training (and bonus cardio). I have only started back at it after gaining back 20kgs, so have 45kgs to lose. Day 2 and have started the cardio with my elliptical, going to start adding kettlebells to the sessions and then get back into classes at the gym for fun as well. Anyone that has some tried and tested tips for a beginner female feel free to let me know. Good luck x
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    I do - I have an 8kg, 10kg, 2x12kg, a 16kg and I got a 20kg for xmas. I love kettlebells, they're awesome as its cardio and strength training all in one. I tend to do tabata interval workouts with them which are hard but burn a ton of calories. Quick workouts too!

    I'll post you some workout suggestions if you like? E.g. my session yesterday lasted 23 minutes and I burnt 442 calories according to my HRM.
  • Teeganv85
    Teeganv85 Posts: 25 Member
    I have recently purchased kettlebells and would love to hear success stories too :)
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    The physique I have in my pic is from slimming down with Insanity then switching to KB's to add muscle if that helps.

    My family think I'm on commission for kettlebells because I rave about them so much - they've all got them now and are seeing great results.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Great for strength gains. My college wrestler friend started doing it 10 years ago before it got popular. I thought it was a fool's workout until I tried it.

    Started incorporating into strength workouts 4 months ago with bootcamp exercises. Started with 16kg and it was heavy for me then... now I can do 20-30 unbroken overhead swings with 32kg.

    One month ago, started doing them more intensively at Crossfit. Kept it to simple American style overhead swings or russian swings(two hands) with 32kg.

    It really helped develop my glute, hamstring and ab muscles(lat too). I'm taking an extra class from a certified instructor mid January to learn how to do other techniques/lifts with kettlebells.

    Make sure you take proper lessons before you start swinging though or else you will get injured.

    Most people squat too much and don't tuck their elbows close to their bodies when they swing. This will throw out your lower back long term and you won't see good results.

    Kettlebell thumbs up.
  • jmacavoy
    jmacavoy Posts: 19 Member
    I've been going to Kettle Bell classes since last June and definitely see a difference, not only for weight loss, but I'm far better toned.
    I only use lighter weights (2.5kg and 4 Kg) as I want more of a fat burning session than muscle building. If you can find a local class, you will find you push yourself a lot harder than exercising at home. The frst time I did the class, I couldn't lower myself on to my desk chair for days. Felt good though
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I do - I have an 8kg, 10kg, 2x12kg, a 16kg and I got a 20kg for xmas. I love kettlebells, they're awesome as its cardio and strength training all in one. I tend to do tabata interval workouts with them which are hard but burn a ton of calories. Quick workouts too!

    I'll post you some workout suggestions if you like? E.g. my session yesterday lasted 23 minutes and I burnt 442 calories according to my HRM.

    DR looks like he knows how kb workout works better than I do. I only incorporate kb workouts as part of other strength training routines so I don't do kettlebell swings for that long.

    One thing I'm sure DR will agree on though is the importance of 'form' in kb workouts. It's important to to go light at first and focus on proper form. Watch youtube videos and if you can, attend a KB seminar or class.
  • jmacavoy
    jmacavoy Posts: 19 Member
    I agree with Edwardkim85, if you can find a class, you are more likely to exercise correctly and avoid injury (if you have a good instructor that is).
  • CaseyM1985
    CaseyM1985 Posts: 65 Member
    I use Jillian Michael's Shred it with Weights DVD with my Kettlebells :)

    So far seems effective!
  • nanook37
    nanook37 Posts: 64 Member is the best online resource I have found for kettlebells, it is also free - I did the full 12 weeks of workouts and loved the variety that kettlebells can give you...
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    I do - I have an 8kg, 10kg, 2x12kg, a 16kg and I got a 20kg for xmas. I love kettlebells, they're awesome as its cardio and strength training all in one. I tend to do tabata interval workouts with them which are hard but burn a ton of calories. Quick workouts too!

    I'll post you some workout suggestions if you like? E.g. my session yesterday lasted 23 minutes and I burnt 442 calories according to my HRM.

    DR looks like he knows how kb workout works better than I do. I only incorporate kb workouts as part of other strength training routines so I don't do kettlebell swings for that long.

    One thing I'm sure DR will agree on though is the importance of 'form' in kb workouts. It's important to to go light at first and focus on proper form. Watch youtube videos and if you can, attend a KB seminar or class.

    Definitely - form is all important to avoid injury. As kettlebell exercises are so dynamic, you have to ensure you know what you're doing. But don't let this put you off - read what certified instructors say about how to execute the movements, or watch their videos on YouTube, if you can't find a class. This is what I did.
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member

    I have not jumped on the Kettle Bell fad yet, but my buddy who is built like a brick **** house says it is awesome strength/cardio, depending on what you are doing. Found this 15 minute workout on that I figured would be a good introduction that I could use for warm up , post workout or rest days.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I use Jillian Michael's Shred it with Weights DVD with my Kettlebells :)

    So far seems effective!

    Please, please do not use Jillian Michaels as a guide for proper kettlebell form. She is awful.
    Google Lauren Brooks, dragon door kettlebells, Lorna Kleinman. They are great starting places for beginners and are actually certified and able to give direction.
  • LHolobovich
    LHolobovich Posts: 3 Member
    I have used the KETTLEWORX DVD series and truly love it! I started with the 5lb, now I moved up to a 7 lb weight through the series. How does everyone track your Kettlebell workout on MFP? I used the aerobic 30 min when i logged in my workout.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    TGU's are hardmoad badassery.
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I noticed my biggest change in clothing size (2 sizes) (with only a 20 lb weight loss) when I started playing with mine. I do the same 4 exercises over and over for so many minutes (using a timer). I just set timer, start my circuit, watch tv - none of mine are very hard to do. I think my biggest help was just swinging it in a circle around my body and passing it hand to hand as I did it. That seemed to work my core to balance against the weight and that's what I think changed my pant size so significantly. I also did overhead like a dumbell to work backs of arms, popping it (swing between legs and up - keep back straight) and cleans. I wish I could do figure 8's around my legs like I've seen some do - but belly is in way still LOL.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    OP your weight loss will come more from your calorie deficit than your workouts, but yes kettlebells are pretty awesome. I really wish my gym had ones that were over 1 pood though.
    TGU's are hardmoad badassery.
    agreed :happy:
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I have used the KETTLEWORX DVD series and truly love it! I started with the 5lb, now I moved up to a 7 lb weight through the series. How does everyone track your Kettlebell workout on MFP? I used the aerobic 30 min when i logged in my workout.

    I entered my own "kettlebells" exercise and use a heart rate monitor to track my calorie burn.
  • Chocaree
    Chocaree Posts: 2 Member
    What do you guys track kettlebell workouts under? I browsed all exercises but couldn't see anything..?

    Thanks :)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    <---body by kettlebells and running. And watching what I eat. :smile:

    ETA: I would start with a good class where they make sure your form is on point. I was a fitness instructor at one time, so I was able to pick up the form pretty well from my Gin Miller DVD, though I'm sure she is likely not THE best out there. You are going to want a tight core and to focus on not letting it move while you are doing your various swing moves.

    It built my core so well I am going to start lifting again to balance out my physique. Not a bad place to be!
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I use kettlebells too 8 and 12 kg :) squats deadlifts swings clean and press, Russian twists.lots of good apps for iPhone iPad out there
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Yes, but it certainly wasn't from messing about with little paperweights.

    As HTimpaired said, but she forgot to add kettleworx and any 'class' where there's more than four of you to an instructor.

    Here's a video of Reifkind with a very simple explanation of weight selection and the reason behind it

    For the people looking for a caloric burn and searching kettlebells, a kettlebell is a lump of metal, not an exercise. You don't search 'dumbbell' in the database and expect a caloric estimate do you?

    Leading on from this point, it is just a lump of metal. You can do almost every kettlebell exercise using a dumbbell. They're really nothing magical, it's what you do with it.
    Same as you can give a large class of people tiny little bells, make them do a large number of dumbbell exercises, and tell them that they're doing 'kettlebells'.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I train with kettlebells daily, and have done so for the past year and a half. I also train with barbells/dumbbells/body weight. I have lost a lot of weight, but I wouldn't put that down to kettlebells. The weight loss is really down to how I eat and the fact that I'm not sitting on my *kitten* 24/7. I don't do "kettleworx" or any sort of group classes or weird DVDs. I started by following Tracy Reifkind (linked to by IronSmasher), and then studied and applied a great book called Enter the Kettlebell. I also use programs written by Dan John.

    DId someone above suggest you seek out in-person training? I think that's for the best, as you want to begin on the right foot and learn to use kettlebells safely and effectively. Seek out an RKC or SFG certified trainer in your area. You can find these people by going to the site for the RKC trainers, and the site for the SFGs. Either is a great choice--both organisations were founded by the same guy and upon the same solid principles.
  • 199WillDo
    199WillDo Posts: 87 Member
    I have used the KETTLEWORX DVD series and truly love it! I started with the 5lb, now I moved up to a 7 lb weight through the series. How does everyone track your Kettlebell workout on MFP? I used the aerobic 30 min when i logged in my workout.

    I went to Spark People they have an exercise calculator and then added in my list of exercises on MFP.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Two important things I've learned from certified instructors(classes):

    1. Most people squat too much ... don't. This isn't a squatting exercise. Think Deadlift or bent over row. Knees should NOT go infront of toes, back should be straight, head should be linear with back.

    2. Pen in armpit..

    You should be able to put a marker inbetween both armpits and swing the kettlebell WITHOUT dropping the pen. This is how tight your shoulders /elbows should be to your core/body. Keep everything tight. This will take some getting used to.

    3. Thumbs up the *kitten******.......

    Yup. you heard me right. When you swing a kettlebell between your legs, your swing position should be so that when the 'kettlebell' goes between your leg, your thumbs should be aiming for your *kitten*****.

    I LoL'd at first but keeping this in mind works.
  • I have logged them in by type of strength exercise so far. I wish they were in the list as kettlebell items. I use squats, abdominal crunches, standing calf raises, abdominal twist ( for the russian twist) and lunge. I have a personal trainer i see twice weekly who has them in the studio. I bought 20, 26 and 35 for home.
  • Mangolassi260
    Mangolassi260 Posts: 15 Member
    I started using kettlebells religiously in October 2010 and lost 2 clothing sizes in a couple months (in addition to tracking calories). I followed the Bob Harper DVD that came with my kettlebells. Love it! I'm using a 10lb now, not quite ready for the 15lb. I also do rebounding, walking, and elliptical.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I've been working with kettlebells for I think around 7 months now, and I think they're great. My strength has definitely improved and I'm doing well with losing weight.
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    Please, please do not use Jillian Michaels as a guide for proper kettlebell form. She is awful.
    Google Lauren Brooks, dragon door kettlebells, Lorna Kleinman. They are great starting places for beginners and are actually certified and able to give direction.


    And then visit this link.
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    I've been using Kettlebells. I made two routines rather than using a DVD (that would just annoy me). I have one for mostly upper body/core and one for lower body. I do one of the routines, the next day I do yoga and cardio, the next day I do the other routine, so forth. I like it. I think the exercises are more fun and you can work a lot more muscles in the same amount of time compared to bicep curls or whatever.

    For lower body there are obviously squats, deadlifts and lunges, also figure 8s which works both your *kitten* and arms/shoulders, rows (sounds like an arm exercise but if you stand there long enough you feel it in your butt), calf raises.

    Upper body has good stuff like swings, get ups (I'm not coordinated for Turkish get ups so I just do the sit ups), snatch, halo, windmill, Russian twist, clean and press, and I throw in some flyes and tricep presses because the kettlebell exercises seem to kind of neglect those muscles.

    I exercise at home so I'm economising space & money with adjustable kettlebells. My first one was this 12 lb blue one and it's good enough for a lot of the upper body exercises but my lower body could probably use some added weight so I have a heavier one on the way.