Introduction, Looking for new motivation and accountability

Hey everyone, I'm a 23 year old sahm to a 2 year old. my husband is currently deployed and my goal was to lose 40-50 lbs by homecoming well i'm down to 166 from my starting weight of 180 with moderate exercise and taking a break for all of november due to a kidney stone and all of December because the holidays were insane but i have an all new motivation to be at least to 145 by homecoming possibly less but my main goal is to get into a size 10 comfortably or even an 8 or less, I can get in 10 but they are tight. When i lived in cali i had accountability buddies and workout groups, well now i'm back in my home state of utah and have no one because they are all good with how they look or don't have the same motivation i do and always back out at the last minute, I'm the type of person who needs to workout with someone or i get bored easily and give up after a few weeks. Not this time i'm determined, I have to Shock my husband who doesn't even know i've lost as much as i have let alone how much i want to lose, I will make him speechless, and honestly i have to show up an ex friend who told me i'd never lose the baby weight. 20-30 lbs in 3ish months. doable? i believe it is as long as i stay motivated, hope to meet some new people.


  • suec69
    suec69 Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm happily married to my husband for 26yrs. We have 2 grown boys and 2 grandchildern. It's time to fell good about myself, again. I need to lose at least 60 lbs. I know I can do it because i have lost 35 lbs before. Than for some reason I just stop keeping track of what i'm eating and exercising.Just to gain it back again Think I can do it on my own. NOT! I really need support from other people that are going through the some struggles as I do. I need to stay Positive & Believe!
    I can do all thing through Christ who strenghens me.(NKJV) Phil. 4:13
  • EffortOverTime
    EffortOverTime Posts: 5 Member
    This is it girls! You've put it into words now put it into action!

    *Do not starve yourself!
    *Do not implement low carb / no carb or no fat / low fat diets!
    *Do not think the week is a waste if you mess up one day!
    *Do not weigh yourself or measure your waistline everyday and stand in the mirror disgusted at what you see!
    *Do not forgo social events or outings because your worried about over eating!
    *Do not choose to not log something because you think you shouldn't be eating it!

    *Do eat a range of foods from every food group, focus on portion control not food choices!
    *Do log everything, we all have bad days! Some people have a "cheat" day, my advice is don't plan your cheat days, let them come naturally!
    *Do weigh yourself and measure your waistline, weekly or fortnightly and take pictures, huge motivation!
    *Do stand in front of the mirror and be proud of what you see, what you have achieved and envisage what you want to see!
    *Do embrace social events and outings! I know I can eat an entire large popcorn (900 Calories) because I restricted my self earlier in the day!

    You can do it, no doubt about it!
  • JJMaritz
    JJMaritz Posts: 46 Member
    AMEN sister Sue!

    Jesus also gave us another fat loss weapon (with all do respect)......fasting. Obviously I am talking about fasting for weight-loss...not religious purposes.

    If you want to turn your body into a fat burning furnace.....look into Intermittent Fasting, it will shock even the person in the mirror.

    But....this is just my opinion, good luck.