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Hello, my name is Jenni and I am 23 working on shedding 70 pounds. My main goal is to get out of the plus size section of the clothing stores seeing as that is all I have worn since middle school. I am currently 213 and am determined to lose the weight but I have tried before and given up due to being stationary being easier. So support or advice would be loved!


  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi Jenni,

    Welcome to MFP. I do know where you are coming from because I had previously tried a few other methods of losing weight with varying success and never really gotten anywhere.

    I spend most of my life sitting behind the wheel of a car or in front of a computer so am very stationary. The thing is you don't need to exercise for this plan to work but it does help for fitness (I will have to do some one of these days)

    The best advice I can give is be honest with yourself, weigh, measure and log everything that you eat and drink. Its only by doing this that enables you to come up with a meal plan that is filling and healthy.

    I had 70 ish lbs to shed when I started back in August and am well on the way to that goal and if I can get there I am sure you can too :smile:
  • alehundrah
    alehundrah Posts: 156 Member
    Hi Jenni. I was 213 when I started & I'm also 23. I think starting is one of the hardest things just because I constantly put excuses or kept saying id so it the next day. Once you start you need o make sure you're constsntly motivating yourself and keep reminding yourself why you want to lose the weight. I began in May and have lost 20 lbs and at times I get so frustrated and mad at myself because I think about how much more I could've lost if I had done more or eaten healthier etc. But then I think about the 20 lbs I've lost and become so proud. You just have tontskenit a day at a time. Some days will be easier some harder. There will be days when you will be unmotivated or feel like givingbup but hey were human. As long as you keep bgoing then that's all that matters.