
Stressful job, part time smoker, pub frequenter, food loving, non exerciser.

I dont like it, but the truth is that is what i am.

I want to change a number of things in my life.

I used to dress so well and be so active, the truth is that i lost my mojo along the way, fell into bad habits and spend time with people with those same habits.

The time is now, i want to look and feel better, wear the clothes i want with confidence again and most importantly be around for my kids.

I am not going to suddenly disown my friends, and dont for a minute anticipate going cold turkey, however if they are friends they will support me.

In many ways im blessed to have gotten this far, it time to sieze upon that good fortune and make it work for me.

If you are in the same position or have been in a similar one, i would love to hear from you.

I wish each and every one of you every success in 2014.