CHALLENGE: This should only take you a few minutes...

JDURPS Posts: 53 Member
Yesterday I wrote my first ever blog post and It is titled Today is April 29th 2014 - A BLOG POST FROM THE FUTURE . I didn't expect anyone to really respond and was surprised at the great response.

You can read my blog post here:

My challenge to you

Write your own blog post to the future and link it down below to help inspire others. If you don't blog (yet) write it out in a post below. Picturing yourself today and feeling how you will feel the moment you achieve your goal can be very rewarding and motivating.

I can't wait to read everyones posts!

Cheers to you and enjoy picturing yourself in 1 month, 6 months or a year.



  • hardworker92
    I don't blog too much .. so here it goes :

    Today is July the first ..... at exactly 5am to be exact . My eyes are slowly opening as I see the sunrise through my bed room window.With a deep stretch after getting a hefty 8 hour sleep , I hop out of bed and walk towards my mirror . I take a look and instantly smile . There isn't an ounce of negativity on my mind . Its been a week since I reached my ideal weight and I can start to see a slowly developing two pack ,which complements my recently purchased double navel piercing . I have never felt healthier , happier an sexier in my life .

    As I start to rush to prepare to leave the house for the daily 7 am yoga class; I head towards my fridge and pick up my already prepared cooler full of healthy meals that were prepared the night before . Thankfully for the past few weeks I have been able to shoot through the more advance poses with flying colors . It does help that my chest has finally became proportional to my body ,making my posture at 100%.

    Though aside from the yoga class , the one thing I am looking forward to most of all is the upcoming exam for my final upgrade course . So far through all of my courses I have maintained a beautiful 87 overall average . If I manage to complete this the same I will have the proper marks to be able to get into the University of Guelph ;where I can attend their nutrition and dietitian program , one of the best in the country.
    JDURPS Posts: 53 Member
    Great post! I felt like you meant every single word! I had a smile on my face the entire time I was reading it. Thanks for making the post. Hope others join in.

    Looking forward to hearing from you on July 1st

  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    Bump--I'll be back !:drinker:
    JDURPS Posts: 53 Member
    I'll look forward to your post!
  • hardworker92
    aww thank you :heart:

    everything was meant 100% -
    I also joined the 25 week challenge which goes up to july , imm probably re-post a blog once my goal is set ( I actually aimed my goal to be 12 lbs lighter than I am in my tracker photo -- do you think that size might be too low -
  • goKimmer
    goKimmer Posts: 11 Member
    OK, let's see.
    I think I can project to valentines day. 6 weeks back on track, my jeans slip on easily. My body is getting stronger and I am loving my extra energy. I look forward to the slight aches a day or two after my big workouts. My kids leave me alone while I am on the treadmill because they are so used to it. I am happier, more confident, proud of myself for getting through the toughest part, starting and staying focused. I sleep well, my skin glows.
    JDURPS Posts: 53 Member
    *high five* Kimmer!