Soy Problem?

Ok, so I've been trying the Whole30-vegetarian style-which allows firm tofu, beans,edamame, tempeh,and natto. I have edamame and tofu, I haven't eaten any beans yet though.

I'm trying my best to stick to Whole30 (a few minor slip ups, but I'm not beating myself up since it's a drastic change, I'm very social, my house has almost NO food since were about to go shopping and I figure its a transitional type thing for me. any progress is great progress!)

so this morning I had very little options, and I wasn't feeling like eating eggs again (I think I've had a whole dozen in less than a week) so I took the fresh vegetables I could find which were baby carrots,onion, and celery and cooked them quickly with a bit of olive oil, added garlic and cayenne. So Far so good right?

Then when I'm done I take the rest of my tofu from last night, about half a block which is around 15g protein (1 protein serving) cut it into 6 pieces, and cook it in the remaining oil until golden on most sides, then add Braqqs liquid aminos (the is the dry fry method- usually done with cooking spray, and it's delicious). I felt like I was eating healthy-maybe a little bad due to the soy aminos, but it had less soy and sodium than soy sauce.

However, before I even FINISHED my breakfast I got this really weird, indescribable feeling in my stomach. I know its not because I haven't had soy, Its only been 4 days on whole30 and I ate edamame twice. Also about an hour later maybe 30 minutes, the sides of my neck/ under my ear ( my glands) and also my face feel kind of itchy and tingly.

Does anyone have an explanation? is this a soy allergy or sensitivity?

***Note: I'm on Adderall, I have had 25mg XR for a few days and just upped to 50mg*** :frown:


  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I can't eat unfermented soy (like endamame and most tofu). I have a skin reaction to it (eczema - red, itchy, inflammed, sometime blistery).

    It took doctors a while to figure this out, and I was really surprised that soy was the cause! That allergy, combined with my body's failure to efficiently absorb iron from plant sources, was pretty much the end of my three-year bout of vegetarianism.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Might have to either ask the doctor or try the soy amines on something besides tofu, that would eliminate if it's the amines instead of the tofu. I use coconut amines as a substitute for soy sauce since it is also lower sodium and doesn't cause any issues with my thyroid since i am on thyroid meds too, so try to limit my soy to ocassional dishes. Could have been the combo of the tofu and the amines too, a bit too much. Edamame is an unprocessed form of soy and easier to metabolize, they also frequently put preservatives in tofu, so unless it was the fresh organic type of tofu it could have been a preservative in the tofu. Just some ideas, does sound like an allergic reaction but you had a pretty complex breakfast with several factors present.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    It does sound like a reaction to something you ate. However, it is impossible to say what specific item it was. You will need to either have allergy testing or will need to do an elimination diet to figure it out. Record exactly everything that you ate, at what time, how much, and how you felt. Keep a log of this.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I can't eat soy at all, nor red meat (beef) because of my weird digestion. When I eat soy I also get a rash and pain in my gut. I can't digest red meat because there is also pain involved, so I just avoid it.

    Elimination diet is the way to go, as Athijade mentioned. I wrote down everything I would eat each day, then at the bottom I would note whether I had pain or not that day. I noticed the beef right away, but soy did the same thing.

    It's pretty difficult to avoid soy products, but it can be done!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    It's pretty difficult to avoid soy products, but it can be done!

    Good lord, you are correct there! I can not have soy due to medical issues. It can actually cause my problems to "flare" (along with quite a few other foods). So I read a LOT of ingredient lists. Soy is freaking everywhere. It is stupid.