Sweet tooth!

Hi All,

I used to be very healthy and regularly go the gym, but over the last few years I have gradually got worse and worse and every attempt and returning to my old self have failed dramatically.

My problem seems to be my sweet tooth and every night after dinner, even though I'm not hungry, I find myself craving something sweet, does anybody have any ideas of some healthy food that can please this or some advice of how to get past this?

<< The picture was of me 2 years ago, before putting on 30 odd pounds!!


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Don't have anything! Replacing one snack option with another won't stop the habit - if you cut it completely you'll get used to it. Eat a dinner with plenty of protein and fat to satisfy you. "Shut down" your kitchen and make it out of bounds after dinner. Find something else to do - read, have a bath, clean,go to bed...anything to take your mind off eating!
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    I have the same sweet tooth problem! I find that pre-logging my dessert (which I have every night) works to help me avoid bingeing mindlessly on sweets. Even if I do sneak a little something extra, i log that too. That acts as a constant reminder of how many calories i'm shoveling in and it's WAY easier to stop when I see i'm about to go over my limit!
  • ummsmiley
    ummsmiley Posts: 7 Member
    I have a serious sweet tooth...especially after dinner. It's hard to break a sugar addiction! There are a bunch of different methods that can help. Different things work for different people. It takes 21 days to break a habit. What worked for me is cutting out almost all sugar for a month. It was rough because your body literally goes through withdrawal....headaches,irritability, ect... But after I did that,sweets a use to love we're too sweet. I still have sweet cravings though so I make sure I have things on hand that are healthier than what I would have eaten before. I eat a piece of really ripe or sweet fruit. If that's not available I always have skinny cow ice cream sandwiches in the freezer ( great product that doesn't taste diet at all imop). Whole wheat fig bars are another super sweet go to for me as well. You have to find a healthy alternative to satisfy it.
  • themelmac
    themelmac Posts: 59 Member
    I have a sweet tooth too - especially after dinner.

    I found that a few pieces of dark chocolate was a great sweet snack after dinner. I bought Dove Dark chocolate and two pieces is about 60 calories. It was easy for me to fit that into my calories for the day.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I know it's different for each person but for me, cutting sweets/sugar entirely would not be the answer. When I have drastically cut things from my diet I wind up becoming very irritated and frustrated. For me that doesn't help anything. I find that having a very small amount of chocolate chips (like 8 pieces) can be enough to satisfy me. Love the cocoa roasted almonds for this as well. When I want something more substantial I go for the Clif Z bars. They are meant for kids and are an organic bar that comes in great flavors (my fav are iced oatmeal cookie or fudge brownie) and at 120-140 cal each they are better IMO than a traditional snack bar or chocolate bar although they may not be the healthiest thing I find them very satisfying. One other favorite for me is noosa yogurt. It is extremely rich and delicious, it's not fat free or low cal but it takes the place of a slice of cheesecake or pie for me. The strawberry rhubarb rocks!!
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    Don't deprive yourself. If you want something sweet, make it work for the day. Skinny Cow makes really good ice cream treats (bars, cones, cups, sandwiches) that start around 100 calories. I haven't tried them, but Weight Watchers has similar products too. You could also eat chocolate chips from the baking section of the grocery store. I have Ghirardelli milk chocolate ones and you get 15 grams (about 16 large chips) for only 70 calories! If you like dark chocolate, you can get more but I haven't quite learned to like dark chocolate yet.
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    Easy sweet treat Any sugarless pie filling heated ,yum and low cal
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I also have a horrible sweet tooth. During the day I eat a lot of fruit and oftentimes have cocoa roasted almonds as a snack.

    When a sweet craving comes after dinner, I wait 20 minutes before I cave. I probably drive my husband crazy because I agonize out loud "I really want dessert but I don't have the calories for it!". Sometimes waiting it out works and I don't cave. When I do cave I usually have hot cocoa or peppermint tea since I don't tend to have many sweets in the house. In the summer I have a low calorie popsicle or fudgesicle. Some of those are only 40 calories!
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Republic of Tea has some great flavors that satisfy my sweet tooth. I'd never been a tea drinker in the past, but now I drink it all day long in various flavors. And I end my night with one meant for sleep.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I go to bed way too early to avoid snacking at night. It's pretty sad.
  • k_c100
    k_c100 Posts: 5
    I have a 94 calorie chocolate mousse - I used to eat a full chocolate bar after dinner every night so for me this is a huge improvement! If you have the willpower then go all out and like others have said, quit sugar completely to break the 21 day addiction cycle thing.

    I personally cannot think about anything else on an evening after dinner unless I've had something sweet, I've tried distracting myself and doing other things but it just doesnt work for me. Hence why I find something that is under 100 cals that I can build into my daily allowance and that is my one treat of the day. However I dont eat fruit and dont have any other sugar throughout the day so it really is my one treat, I dont eat anything sweet until after dinner.

    If I were you I'd just make sure you are not eating too much sugar during the day and then if you can find room in your calorie allowance have some sort of treat that is 100 cals or less. This could be a choc mousse, some dark chocolate (probably the best option as it is the most natural), yoghurt etc.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Plan your nightly treats the day before. I have ice cream everyday, but I make sure it fits in my goals. Here's how: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/925464-fitting-it-in-giggity
  • A good, healthy, cereal.
  • I love your motivational post picture; it's so true!
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I eat a deep chocolate vitatop every day after lunch and after dinner. It's 200 calories total out of my daily budget, contains fiber and vitamins, and keeps me from feeling deprived when combined with the rest of my nutritionally-dense and balanced diet. Totally works for me; you just have to find the thing that works for you to keep you from feeling deprived.
  • SuePin02
    SuePin02 Posts: 29 Member
    I have the same problem after dinner, I too log in a sweet and that helps me stay on track with my calorie intake, I also eat a hard candy to curve that sweet tooth (jolly ranchers are wonderful) good luck!
  • suzcain
    suzcain Posts: 22 Member
    I have the same thing. You know in the movie "Elf" how he drowns all his food in maple syrup and sugar? That would be me if I let myself. My go-to low-cal desert is sugar-free Jell-O and Extra Creamy Redi-Whip. It's very sweet, tastes decadent and is only 25 calories - 35 if you go nuts and have 2 Jell-O cups. Or to satisfy a chocolate craving, a sugar-free Jell-O pudding cup and Redi-Whip for 75 calories.
  • I've got a horrible sweet tooth. Been trying to find something to curb it. Seems like a teaspoon of honey is working whenever I get that after dinner craving.....
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    Small serving of reduced-calorie ice cream or instant pudding made with low-fat milk. Eat slowly and enjoy.

    I like to keep graham crackers around (honey or chocolate) since they are usually about 60-70 calories a sheet and can fill a cookie craving.

    Of course, make it work with the rest of your calories.