60 lbs lost, 23 to go!

My name is Esther. I live in Phoenix, AZ . I've lost 60lbs so far using several different programs, walking, running, yoga, strength training etc... I'm looking to meet a lot of people on here so we can support each other in our weight loss, health & fitness goals.


  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    Wow, congrats on your progress so far! That's awesome! So far, I've lost 37 (lost 10 before joining) & have 44-54 (haven't decided on a firm goal for sure yet) more to go. Everyone on here is helpful & positive. :)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Welcome, I am sure you will find mfp a useful tool and we would love to hear about your experience with weight loss. 60 pounds is a very cool acheivment. Look forward to seeing your posts.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Welcome, I am sure you will find mfp a useful tool and we would love to hear about your experience with weight loss. 60 pounds is a very cool acheivment. Look forward to seeing your posts.
  • MizzFitness
    MizzFitness Posts: 76 Member
    I made an inches goal & a weight goal. I may get to the inches first. ;)

    I started with a borrowed copy of TJ in 2006. Couldn't even make it through the whole thing unless I paused & followed the modified version. ahhhh we've all come so far!
  • psarah
    psarah Posts: 84
    Fantastic job..not much more to go now!
  • JennyBaby24
    That's awesome! I am down 8 lbs. this week and I need to exercise but I had foot surgery in June and have not been able to do alot until just the past couple of weeks. I did renew my gym membership yesterday for a year and hope to start using it again. Congrats!
  • MizzFitness
    MizzFitness Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you! How close are you?
  • MizzFitness
    MizzFitness Posts: 76 Member
    That's great! 8 lbs in a week??? outstanding! I always work out at home with programs but I'll soon be certified as a TurboKick (kickboxing) instructor. I'll definitely have to go to the gym!
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    How awesome to be so close to your goal! Congratulations!
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    excellent work! and welcome!
  • MizzFitness
    MizzFitness Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you Melisa!