Hello, day 1 of new me

I would love some motivating friends please.
I am 41 and weigh 11st7 (only 5ft3). I would love to get down to 9 stone (35lbs to lose). This seems like loads to me. Realistically, if I up the exercise and eat below my recommended calories on here how long do you think that would take?
Also, I'm completely cutting back on alcohol. Will that make much difference?
I am a little impatient!
Thanks for any responses.


  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Hi Kat and welcome!

    I think the really important thing to remember is that this isn't a sprint, it's more like a long marathon, and losing weight fast shouldn't be the goal, you should try to focus on making healthy changes and then losing weight by making permanent changes you can stick with. The main reason I say this is you can starve yourself and live at the gym, lose the weight within a few months, but then when you go back to living your normal life you'll most likely gain it back (and usually then some). I lost about 25 pounds in 3 months doing an extreme "biggest loser" competition at my gym and I gained it all back within a few months when I stopped the extreme diet/exercise routine and basically went back to my normal lifestyle. A healthy (realistic) goal is to lose about 1 pound a week.

    It's easy to get obsessed with the scale and want to lose fast, but I would suggest trying to focus on making lifestyle changes that you can stick with so you may lose weight slower, but you'll stick with it.