New to site but not to weight gain and loss!

I am back on track and have lost 5 pounds but I have a ways to go. I am giving myself a year or as long as it takes to get healthy and lose weight. I must do this for my health. We are older than average parents of young children that we adore and they need us. I would love support and I would like to support others as well. I'm not even sure how this works on this site but will do my best!


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member

    I'm 48 and have two little one's so yes, I'm doing it for THEM! They are 4 and 6. We can do this! they will keep us young.

    Happy New Year

  • Cottagestylekid
    Thanks Nancy! I just turned 50 and ours are 10 and 15. You are so right! We have to show them the importance of getting healthy!! Thanks!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    you're 'young' parents compared to me! :)
  • Lauriesongs
    Lauriesongs Posts: 27 Member
    I'm new here! I have 4 kids - the youngest are 13 and 16 and I'm 51. During my mom's illness and then passing and my son's illness, I let my weight get away from me. I'm a stress eater and I love food in general. Need to get down to a healthier weight and stay there!
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    I too have children, two of them, 2 and 6. They are two reasons why I push myself so hard.
  • MrsFath622
    MrsFath622 Posts: 4 Member
    New here too! I vow to make this THE year to get myself in shape... I'm not looking to be a fitness model, just want to lose weight, tone up, and be a healthy example for my kiddos!

    Good to see ya fellow "newbies"! :)
  • rustyvicinie
    rustyvicinie Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome aboard and was new here 1 year ago myself. Helped tremendously. Feel free to add if you like.
  • MrsFath622
    MrsFath622 Posts: 4 Member
    rustyvicinie - I'm going to add you... I'm a fellow 'Burgher!!! :smile: