Those short shorts WILL fit!

d3king Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
2 months ago, I bought a gorgeous pair of shorts off a friend. They're amazing. And gorgeous. And possibly the cutest pair of shorts I've ever seen in my life. And they *almost* fit me. Ok, technically, I could get them on, but was about an inch away from doing them up - even with my stomach sucked in as far as it goes.

I decided I was going to fit into the shorts by summer (December here in New Zealand).

So I started with baby steps. Walking to and from work every day and cutting WAY back on refined sugars in my diet. And I started blogging ( to try to stay motivated and accountable. My daily walks have been getting progressively longer and I recently found MyFitnessPal through iTunes and started tracking.

This time, I'm motivated. This time it's for real. This time it's a complete lifestyle change - not a diet - and I'm feeling great.

Oh, and I can get the shorts done up, now. ;) I mean, when I suck in my stomach... but still! I've still got a few months til summer hits. And man are those shorts going to look great.


  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I know how you feel!!! I used to fit into my clothes, but then gained weight and nothing fit nor did they look good (if I could even zip them up).

    So 9 weeks ago (almost 2 months ago), I started working out intensively and monitoring my calorie intake, cutting out sugar, etc.

    I noticed a big difference 6 weeks into my workout and dieting madness. All my clothes started to fit again and I looovvvvveeeeee it!!!

    Going for the next step and getting lean muscles and maybe a 6pack abs now :)
  • d3king
    d3king Posts: 4
    I just joined a gym (after a few weeks spent convincing my bf to join with me) and will be starting to do proper workouts again, soon. I can't wait to start having more lean muscles and looking more fit and toned. Never mind the extra energy and overall "I feel goooood!" feeling that comes along with proper diet and exercise.

    After the shorts fit, the next goal will definitely be working towards a rockin bikini body. :)
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