Taking Action

Hullo, not new to MFP but new to posting on the communities :) *waves*

So, I'm trying to finally take action and follow through on my plans to lose weight this year. I got a shock when I was at the doctor's on Monday and tipped the scale at 301 lbs. That means I have at least 150 lbs to lose, and more than that if I want to get to a 'normal' BMI.

So, I'm not calling this a New Year's resolution because I started before January and because it's more of an action plan than a resolution, but I'm back to tracking everything, planning everything, and trying to get into the gym. I'm a mom (1 1/2 year old daughter, C) and a teacher (band & strings, 4-8th graders) and a performer (orchestra gigs whenever I can), so life is never dull in our house!

I'd love to have a few friends who are on the same journey... feel free to add if you'd like! :)