Out with the Old and Look Forward 2New

I checked my stats today and I have been a member for 4 years. I logged on feeling sorry for myself and thinking I haven't attempted to update my status in months nor have I gotten anywhere closer to my goal. Which is Not MFP issue but mine since I've gone through he** and back with medical stuffs and family stuffs. Fast forward from my temporary pity party to right now...

After entering my current stats I realize I have made progress. Even though it's been very slow progress. I have managed to lose and keep off 20 pounds since I started. Statistically this is 5 pounds a year. I've changed the way I see myself and the way I see health in general. This encourages me and says that the tiny changes I have been making are worth it and over night I may not be a size 10/11 but I'm on the right track and not going back to where I was. I am confident about what I can do in a shorter span and I look forward to support from you all here. Please share any encouraging words of wisdom and friend me if you have an inclination.

Thank you and Happy New Year!!