Hey guys I need your help

audreybeard413 Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys!!!

I am new to this whole thing. Ummm....it has been brought to my attention that I have let myself go after the past 6 months. I was never comfortable with my body but especially now that I was told some hurtful information.

I am writing to see if I can get some great workout ideas....dieting ideas pretty much anything that you are willing to help. I know this sounds pretty lame but I am also looking for I guess some encouragement since it's not always available to me!! I hope that y'all are able to help me.

Thank you so much in advance


  • deckerp
    deckerp Posts: 4,387 Member
    I've made some pretty good progress without changing my life too radically. I eat about the same food I did a year ago but a little less of it. I exercise a lot to burn off any extra calories. I started with 20 minutes of elliptical each day and worked my way up to a 45 minutes session in the morning and another in the evening. I usually do this 7 days a week. Most days I'll take a 30 minute walk at work. I do take a workout off here and there. I get kind of worn out sometimes with a weird work schedule and the elliptical.

    I'm able to keep getting on the elliptical because I've watched a couple of the Star Trek series on DVD. I bet you can find something you like and it'll keep you amused while you exercise. I got mine at http://www.dvdsetshop.com. I got the whole Star Trek: The Next Generation Series (seasons 1 through 7) for $60.99 and saw the same thing at Barnes & Noble at $70 for 1 season! So it's pretty affordable as exercise/entertainment goes.

    Good luck.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am sorry someone told you that:cry: ....arghhhhhhhhhhhh:explode: ...I wanna have some words with that person...my husband says if it is a man, drop him like a bad habit! :devil: Love does not hurt. I say drop him over a cliff...... :tongue:

    On to better things! :flowerforyou: Good for you in coming here:drinker: .....I started on MFP in Jan 09 originally and did low cal eating, worked out and busted my butt for 5 months....lost 22 pounds! NICE, but I needed to lose 100lbs. SO I ended up starting school full time and well I gained all that back plus another 20lbs.....so I just started back here on August 4th....went to the doctor last week and he put me on a low carb diet....before that I was flucuating between 2-3 pounds lost....as of last weds I have lost 10 lbs. Now I know sounds like a "quick" fix, but it is not....do what works for you and do what you will do for the rest of your life cause this is a life change.

    How much do you want to lose anyway ?
  • Maggie1960
    Maggie1960 Posts: 322
    Hi there, I'm Maggie from the UK. Make exercise part of your normal daily routine - use the stairs instead of the lift, walk instead of taking the car, and walk fast, enough to get breathless but still be able to talk. If you have a bike, get on that and cycle - or invest in a stationary bike and cycle at home in privacy.
    As for diet tips, read nutritional information on everything you eat and be aware of fat and carbs in everything you eat. Log all your food on here - it's brilliant. Good luck.
    And as for the people who made the hurtful comments to you - stuff them, show them what you can do!:smile:
  • Thank you so much for your help guys I truly do appreciate it! Umm....I guess I'm just a little down on myself and wanted to join a community that would be able to encourage me and be able to feel comfortable. I am looking to loose about 40-50 pounds!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    You can do this, I would be lying if I said it was easy.......................shoot.....then we all wouldn't be here. I personally have some injury's that prevent me from being able to really exercise, at this point with my weight standing on my feet is killing me, so when I feel up to it, I go for a 20-30 min walk with the dog.....or dance in the living room......whatever, Exercise is important. But my doctor says 80% of weight loss really is what we put in our mouth.................so find what works for you....read alot, find what you can "live" with like I said, this is a change for the rest of your life...or you will gain this weight back rest assured. I am here all the time as I am still waiting for my license and my husband is gone most days, so if you find yourself craving dunkin dognuts, jump on here and we will have a chat..............................................

    add me

    Thank you so much for your help guys I truly do appreciate it! Umm....I guess I'm just a little down on myself and wanted to join a community that would be able to encourage me and be able to feel comfortable. I am looking to loose about 40-50 pounds!
  • I know that it will definately be a challenge but I am so excited to push myself in achieving my goal!! I would love to chat with you!!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    @ 'em (excuse my french)

    record all of your intake, try to make good choices of your foods, try to increase your unprocessed foods and move your *kitten* a bit more...... lol! hey I should be skinny being so wise;)))))

    we all need a little help from time to time, I know I do add me as a friend if you would like and then we can give positive nudges along the way, Debbie
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Hey audrey,

    You should be glad you have taken the first step to weight loss. :flowerforyou: Now the next step is stcking with it. So I would say take it one day at a time. Like everyone said, you can make small small changes which can go a long way.
    And ya, start reading the labels. It will give you an idea of what you are putting in your mouth :)

    Add me as a friend and we can encourage each other :)

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