This is a noob w/ boobs that needs adopting

pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
So I have had successful dieting in the past, trying to get back in there before I gain everything back. My goal for 2014 is to lose 70 pounds. Have lost 45 in the past. I am a funny person I enjoy laughing and am very positive (even about things I shouldn't be) Looking for someone to be honest with my faults and help me redevelop a new plan. Seen a lot of posts but I figure instead of me responding to those I would put it out there that I would like the help and use the help.

My info:

25 years old
have a LOT to lose and looking forward to it
psyc major
enjoy bike riding but not running, would like to enjoy running someday lol
ummmm if it matters or gets someone interested in helping me I wear a 40 DD
I am a logical person and enjoy critical thinking and healthy skepticism
I am kinda addicted to my Diet Dr. Pepper and would like to kick soda completely eventually
Need help finding ways to drink water, I really dont like it in the past I told myself that I would only eat my "treat" for the day if I drank a certain amount of water first
I am a big wine drinker and not sure how much this plays into my weight loss, not an issue cutting that down I enjoy it but only drink it maybe once a week
can' think of anything else right now if interested in helping me reach my goals please let me know
