Breaking through a Plateau

joeycob Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Well I'm 26kg down and have about another 7-10kg to lose before I'll be happy. I've hit a massive plateau despite my (seemingly) good eating plan and exercise regime. So today was day 1 of myfitnesspal and I think this will really help, accounting for every single thing that passes my lips and ensuring that my calorie intake is well below my expenditure.

Looking forward to chatting to you all in the forums!


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Pretty much all of us who have been at this weight loss thing have gone through stubborn plateaus! They can get you down, but just always remember, you will never break it if you just quit and by you joining MFP it sounds like you are in for the long haul! Good for you! As unconventional as it can sound, for me what helped was upping my calorie intake, but not knowing what level you are currently at, that may not be the best advice. The common thread you will read when in a plateau though is to zigzag your calories and change up your exercise routine, to keep your body guessing. I have found that the 30 Day Shred, where one routine involves strength, cardio and abs did wonders for me (and I don't do it everyday, just whenever). I am sure you will get lots of other good advice on things to try. Just take heart that we have all had this same struggle and you will push through and break the plateau if you stick with it! Good luck to you!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm sure you will find it very helpful in your weight loss progress.

    I hit a bit of a plateu for about 2 weeks (does that count as a plateau?!) but I found that I was exercising too much and not letting my body rest. Instead of exercising 6 days a week I cut it down to 4 or 5. And I also find that mixing up the machines I do is helpful too. I love going on this particular elliptical at the gym.. but I figure if I always do that, then my body won't be challenged. Or sometimes I get too comfortable at a certain level of resistance.. forgetting that I have to challenge myself in order to lose weight, put stress on the body, a bit of resistance to feel the burn!

    Good luck on battling the plateau. I'm sure you will do absolutely fine!
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