What's your goal?



  • bellepiff
    Ultimately to compete in a triathlon (short course) when I am 40 (so 21 months away)
    To do this I need to lose half my body weight and get strong. The number on the scale is not not as important to me as having a strong fit body but as I get stronger my number will shrink.
    I'm starting slow- my goal is huge and I need to be sensible about it, if I got too hard too soon I will injure myself and give up and end up bigger than I am now.
    Thankfully I have some friends who are already competing and are going to help me along the way :)
  • angiemd
    My goal is to lose between 20-25lbs. by June 29, 2014 & keep it off! Weight train 3 days per week & cardio at least 5 days (1 hour of cardio).
  • angiedwill
    angiedwill Posts: 873 Member
    My goal is to get a strong support system built up that will help me stay accountable for all I eat and exercise. I want to lose at least 20 pounds preferably by spring break which is the last week in March. I don't know if the pounds will be off by then, but I am confident that I will feel better and look better by then. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I just started my exercise and "diet" today, so I am just getting started!!
  • jessiwoww
    jessiwoww Posts: 30 Member
    My goal is to lose 52 pounds this year - I think 1 lb/week is something I can do! That would take me to my lowest weight in my adult life, so that would be great. I also have a Fitbit, so I'm aiming for 70,000 steps each week.

    Always looking for new friends, so please feel free to add me!

  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Lose 65 lbs and focus on exercise daily and tracking my food. Good luck! :)
  • gaylean
    My goal is to lose 52 pounds this year - I think 1 lb/week is something I can do! That would take me to my lowest weight in my adult life, so that would be great. I also have a Fitbit, so I'm aiming for 70,000 steps each week.

    Always looking for new friends, so please feel free to add me!

  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    My goal is to be within the healthy weight range for my height (171cm or 5'7.5") for the first time in ever - that means losing half of my weight (yikes!). Sick of being the 'big friend', and desperately need to be happy and healthy to support my best mate and godson. I'm tracking everything I eat and exercise, am following a low cal, low carb, high protein diet and getting huge amounts of support from my MFP mates. Good luck to everyone with their goals this year!
  • gaylean
    I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis last year and was immobile for two months and put on heaps of weight with the medication..I have never felt so self conscious and unfit. I have probably twenty kilos to lose but would be happy to lose ten. I feel motivated now i have found this website..so easy to track everything..thanks myfitnesspal:smile:
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    2014 Goals:
    -Maintain my weight or lose another 5-10 pounds.
    -Reduce my intake of sugar, using MFP's guideline for the amount.
    -Reduce my intake of processed foods, cooking/baking more and mostly avoiding ingredients I wouldn't use myself in the kitchen.
    -Continue practicing yoga to improve my strength and flexibility.
  • nicole_skalski
    nicole_skalski Posts: 15 Member
    Hey I'm Nicole. My goal is 35 pounds, but june 2014. Let's do this!
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    My goal is to lose another 65 lbs !! And I am hoping that this will be the year for me :) I can`t wait to be on maintenance and post my before and after pics.
  • Eliciajo
    Eliciajo Posts: 6 Member
    I am trying this in chunks this time. My ultimate goal is 30 lb - 40 lb loss but my mini goal is 15 lb loss by April 1, 2014. I am hoping the smaller goals will help me stay motivated in the long run.
  • AshleySDJ
    AshleySDJ Posts: 63 Member
    My goal is to lose 100 Pounds to be healthy and try and start a family with my husband :) Add me any and all , Looking for strong motivation :) will return the favor !! Good Luck :)
  • shambo2000
    shambo2000 Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is to lose 26 pounds (10% of my body weight) by May 31st. I would like to attend Boy Scout camp this June, with my son, in much better shape than I was last summer.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Honestly, I'd like to get my weight down to 203 lbs. (BMI of 30 at 5'9") and break the one hour mark in a 10k this year.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    My 2014 goal to reach my goal weight of 150 which would put me at a healthy BMI. Only have about 30 lbs to go so I think it's do-able.
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    I have 73 pounds to lose this year.
  • BikerJW
    Hey all. I am new here and have a goal of 13 # and I want to feel baggy clothes and feel proud.
  • David988
    David988 Posts: 14 Member

    .... that and ... to lose 40 lbs and be healthy teehe
  • Tealbutterfly913
    Tealbutterfly913 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm new here and my goal is to lose 10-20 lbs and get back in shape!