Unhealthy food = thigh rashes

I have a weird issue that I've seen way too many doctors about. I had the most painful, itchy, blistering rash for about 10 years. Within 5 months of dieting and exercising, it went away. I was completely shocked!!! If I eat unhealthy food for 5+ days, the rash comes back. I don't know specifically what is causing it. I wish I knew the exact food to avoid (whether it be sugar in general or a certain kind of food).

I saw about 6 or 7 different doctors, including one at the hospital. I had various allergy testings, biopsies, medicines and creams, etc... nothing has ever fixed it or defined the exact issue. I even was put on chemotherapy pills to try to kill it. That was scary! Nothing ever worked. I only recently learned that something with food is causing it.

Does anyone go through something like this or know anything about it?

I appreciate any help or thoughts.


  • STC1188
    STC1188 Posts: 101 Member
    If you believe this is diet related, go through an elimination diet removing ONE food at a time for a week and see if the rash responds. I know that some bodily processes can be turned on or off by caloric deficiency/excessiveness, so you may also want to modulate the caloric amount or macro amounts (again, one variable at a time) to see if that helps.

    If you gave us a better idea of your diet (amounts of food, types of food, general composition), someone might be able to suggest a particular food to start off with.
  • sybrix
    sybrix Posts: 134 Member
    The main thing that came to mind when I read this was a TV show about a toddler covered with excruciating rashes that ended up being a severe dairy intolerance. They had to cut all dairy out of the child's diet for (I think) 3-4 weeks and then reintroduce it to test if that was the culprit. Turns out the rashes diminished when the child wasn't eating dairy for those weeks and flared up really bad when he started eating dairy again. After they confirmed that, the child was way better after months of eliminating dairy.

    I've had chronic eczema all my life and to this day have no idea what causes my flare ups. But like a poster mentioned you might want to go down a list of common food intolerances and try testing them one by one. See a doctor first though so they can supervise and help you go about it the right way.

    Good luck!