How are YOU setting yourself up to fail?



  • rb16fitness
    rb16fitness Posts: 236 Member
    Well said ★. Everyone ate enough sugar over the holidays so no coating required. You're gonna put the diet in industry out of business with this common sense zero cost approach .

    Still, hope you're flame retardant, the heavy lifting clean eating brigade will soon be on the war path...
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    There is valuable insight in the OP's post - shame most readers won't receive her message cos they will be too upset to hear it.

    It's not weak to sugar coat a strong message, the delivery mechanism is just as important as the message, and to reach a broad spectrum of nervous and shy noobs which I think your post was aimed at, a gentler touch might have landed home and been digested (forgive the pun) more easily.

    Motivation is a fickle mistress and whilst some will appreciate the "stick" approach, I think the "carrot" team will wince and stop reading after paragraph 2.

    Being kind and gentle isn't mollycoddling, it's demonstrating empathy and understanding.....
    The OP is not responsible for others motivation. Only for her own ideas and thoughts. If people will be put off by her directness, their resolve to improve their health wasn't very strong or internalized to begin with.

    I think part of what is wrong with modern society is the sense of entitlement to "gentle" treatment to the point of lack of honesty. I'll take straight talk any day. I've grown more in my lifetime from honest feedback, whether I liked hearing it or not.
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    Still, hope you're flame retardant, the heavy lifting clean eating brigade will soon be on the war path...

    Since when is heavy lifting = clean eating, or the same brigade respectively?
  • sunshinesquared
    sunshinesquared Posts: 2,733 Member
    Love Love Love this and so needed to hear the "gentle" reminder!!!! Thank you!!! :bigsmile:
  • CactusF1ower
    CactusF1ower Posts: 174 Member
    Roomba?! :laugh: I guess trying to balance on it while it's moving could work your core :drinker:

    My day has started with uncontrollable laughter thanks to this post :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    I agree with everything said here except the point about exercise. The OP's point about weight lose is correct but only when weight loss is the main point and not overall health and fitness. A person that loses weight without some form of resistance training will only end up a smaller fat person. All though most people that first join here have little information or care as to body fat percentage the fact is that losing weight is not most people’s desired outcome. (Generally speaking) They want to be fit they just put too much emphasis on the scale and too little on measurements and body fat percentage.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    While I 100% agree that counting calories is key to weight loss and maintenance for myself, once you hit your goal weight it is just the foundation for adding the right body toning / exercise beyond walking to build strength.

    I will say that for some people, those three week courses are the kick off point to get on the healthy lifestyle wagon. However, I think commiting to a program to meet milestones and goals vs a time limit worked for me.

    I count calories so I won't gain back the weight, I walk to make sure I sleep at night, I drink water for brain power and smoother skin, and I do yoga/barre3 to tone my body and build stronger muscles and gain strength/balance.

    PS. I am all about hearing the truth, and don't really care how the message is delivered.
  • LuvonLuv
    I loved the OP's post and thought it was a great motivational starter to the new year....then I read the comments below and was like....huh??? I focused on the message and not the delivery, and quite frankly, I didn't see anything off with the delivery. In fact, it was similar "frank talks" from my doctor/dietician that got me motivated in 2012 to work hard to shed 55+lbs in that year....and before that I was guilty of making excuses that various diets, exercise, etc. didn't work. Gratefully my journey continues satisfactorily because I have started to count calories (I do engage exercise), and because of motivational posts such as the OP's.

    Thanks OP for your beginning-of-year contribution...well said!
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I agree with everything said here except the point about exercise. The OP's point about weight lose is correct but only when weight loss is the main point and not overall health and fitness. A person that loses weight without some form of resistance training will only end up a smaller fat person. All though most people that first join here have little information or care as to body fat percentage the fact is that losing weight is not most people’s desired outcome. (Generally speaking) They want to be fit they just put too much emphasis on the scale and too little on measurements and body fat percentage.

    When I started I had absolutely NO idea what I was doing-it was my first try at losing weight. But, I had doctor's orders to lose weight or be a diabetic, so I jumped in blindly and figured it out as I went along. I had never exercised in my life (no sports as a kid etc-nothing!), and trying to figure out how to lose the weight was overwhelming enough on it's own, without adding exercise in. So I didn't. I lost over 50lbs and didn't do one minute of exercise in the process. Doing this did not make me a smaller fat person.

    My profile picture was taken a few weeks ago, several months after I've transitioned into maintenance. No resistance training at that point- just some walking and a bit of running (total of about 4 miles of the two things combined a week. Started doing this after I transitioned into maintenance, to give me new goals to work towards). My bf% is currently somewhere in the 18-19% range. I am not 'skinny fat'. Losing the weight made me healthy, not exercise.

    OP-brilliant post and I agree 100% :smile:
  • heatherAnnXOX
    heatherAnnXOX Posts: 56 Member
    totally needed to read this post this morning. thank you thank you.
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    AWESOME post, OP! Thank you for this one :-) I just copied and shared the link onto my SIL's page, my mom's page, and my cousin's page - I think your post is a great read for starting off 2014 on the right foot :happy:

    The only way I would have changed the emphasis a bit is to note that exercise can indeed play a role (a big role, even) in creating a calorie deficit, so it can be a big part of the equation. But yup, when it comes down to it, it's the calorie deficit that creates the weight loss. If going for a run (even a fairly long run) is used as an excuse to eat an entire pizza, then the exercise - when consistently used as an excuse - is actually detrimental to weight loss. When exercise is properly calculated and used for it's (approximately) true caloric burn, it can be beneficial to the weight loss cause.

    Thank you again for this post - very well written, and very true :smile: Have a wonderful, healthy, weight-losing 2014!

    ~ Lacey

    PS - love the profile pic; you really are a doll :flowerforyou:
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    Bump so that I can re-read this around the 21st January! :laugh:
  • Quietusx
    OP, this is a wonderful post; thank you for the 'tough' love that you dished out! Weight loss is not about mollycoddling people! Most need it tough or they'll get soft and quit. I know I did. Often.
  • roniredd
    Love it, thank you!
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    But I'm big boned.
  • bobbijodmb
    bobbijodmb Posts: 463 Member
    I should print this out and hang it all over my gym because right now it is packed with people like this =)
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    I agree with everything said here except the point about exercise. The OP's point about weight lose is correct but only when weight loss is the main point and not overall health and fitness. A person that loses weight without some form of resistance training will only end up a smaller fat person. All though most people that first join here have little information or care as to body fat percentage the fact is that losing weight is not most people’s desired outcome. (Generally speaking) They want to be fit they just put too much emphasis on the scale and too little on measurements and body fat percentage.

    When I started I had absolutely NO idea what I was doing-it was my first try at losing weight. But, I had doctor's orders to lose weight or be a diabetic, so I jumped in blindly and figured it out as I went along. I had never exercised in my life (no sports as a kid etc-nothing!), and trying to figure out how to lose the weight was overwhelming enough on it's own, without adding exercise in. So I didn't. I lost over 50lbs and didn't do one minute of exercise in the process. Doing this did not make me a smaller fat person.

    My profile picture was taken a few weeks ago, several months after I've transitioned into maintenance. No resistance training at that point- just some walking and a bit of running (total of about 4 miles of the two things combined a week. Started doing this after I transitioned into maintenance, to give me new goals to work towards). My bf% is currently somewhere in the 18-19% range. I am not 'skinny fat'. Losing the weight made me healthy, not exercise.

    OP-brilliant post and I agree 100% :smile:

    Congrats but continue to add weight training and then feel the results.
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    the most sure-fire way to burn calories is to keep them out of your mouth in the first place.

  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    In, for tough love, truth, and Poomba. Always for Poomba.
  • thorn777
    thorn777 Posts: 25 Member
    love it definitely needed to hear this! will be reading it lots to keep me going!