
MommaFreem Posts: 25
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I will lose a couple of pounds over a few days and keep it off for a few days. Then I will gain 1 pound back and keep that pound on for a few days. Then I will drop that pound and keep it off for a couple of days. Then I will lose a couple of pounds over a few days and then the cycle continues. It is driving me crazy. Am I doing something wrong or is that just how my body works? Am I missing something? It's like I take 2 steps forward and then 1 step back.


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    As long as you are being consistent I think you are doing everything right. Our bodies fluctuate SO MUCH from day to day, even week to week. Especially if you are a woman. Some really good advice (personally) that I have read is to weigh yourself once a month. I know, I know, easier said than done. That being said, maybe just record/rely on the once per month number and just use the weekly numbers as a guide. It takes a while to truly learn how YOUR body works. Mine fluctuates daily. I weigh twice per month. I do not weigh the week before "girl time" or the week during because the numbers always show a slight increase in weight. This can be discouraging even though I KNOW it is water weight. Just my two cents...GOOD LUCK!
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    As long as you are within your calories and water intake and keeping your exercise going, you are fine.
    the best time to weigh yourself is very early in the morning before breakfast and just do it once (either per week, or per month). Our bodies change daily and as a woman, avoid weighing yoursef few days before your menstrual cycle and the week of.. You will be heavier due to bloating and water retention..
    Don't get discouraged, just stay the course and you will see results.. Just stay consistent and focused.
    to your health
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