Pre portioned meals?



  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    The one thing that does really concern me is the sodium content. I have normal to slightly higher BP normally, and at times it will skyrocket and I end up with a nose bleed (ex. Panic attacks, crying, etc.) But then again I have always been raised somewhat Paula Deen style... As in, if it doesn't have a stick of butter and a cup of salt, it isn't worth eating! Lol I'm not to keen on alot of salt, butter, or oil on things tbh, bc I have Aspergers and that comes along with sensory problems. I'm pretty picky with what I eat. If the texture of gross, I won't eat it. So I feel like that might help me. And no, I don't really get much choice in what gets bought at the grocery store. Hoping to move out in the next year or two, so that I CAN be in control.. But until then? Eh.

    Can you bring your mom and/or dad to a doctors appointment? With that knowledge of how being overweight can hurt your body --- and a gentle asking, I'm sure they would let you come grocery shopping and get the whole family more healthy.

    What is your parents weight like? Are they overweight too? This could be a change in the right direction for your entire family!
  • thewallflower1428
    thewallflower1428 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks! I suppose I'll need to go get some freezer containers so I can try them out. (:
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    > Cook your own food
    > Use the recipe tab to track its calories and number of portions
    > Freeze and defrost when needed

    Saves money, and gives more control over what I'm eating. Also, freezer bags are really pretty inexpensive (at least where I am)!
  • thewallflower1428
    thewallflower1428 Posts: 25 Member
    I actually go to an Endocrinologist but the appts. Are far and few in between. Unfortunately, there is a problem with being overweight on both sides of the family. But my sister, who has a different dad, has the metabolism of Olive oil. :p so there's ALWAYS junk food in the house bc she can eat whatever she wants and not gain an ounce, yet I look at a cookie and gain five pounds. :p
    My mom said she would go on weight watchers with me but it'll be a while until we do that. So.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hey, so I'm new here. And honestly I'm not sure how this works. But anyways, I have at least 100 pounds to lose... Aiming to lose 50 by July. I need to start working on portion control and making healthy choices, so I guess my question is will things like lean cuisine, healthy choice, green giant steamers, etc. help me get portions and stuff
    Under control and help me lose weight? I'll also be walking a three mile path 2-3 times a week and/or taking my dogs to a park and walking them there. And help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!! Thanks guys!
    Also, for anyone curious; I'm 6'1.5 and problem areas are my stomach, back, arms and face. :p
    You can actually eat what i you want, stay within a calorie deficit, and still lose weight, even on those prepackaged meals. However, keep in mind that they have limited nutrient value and are loaded with sodium. They can actually cause you to retain water, which can look like it's slowing your weight loss down.

    I suggest you portion your own meals by using a food scale for solids and measuring cup for liquids.