Some slight worries, advice needed.

I don't know how ridiculous of a worry this is but I am 21 years old (well I turn 21 in 5 days) I'm 5'3", I weigh 140lbs and I'm working out and changing my eating habits to lose 20lbs so that I'm 120lbs and I'm worried about my stomach having lose skin as I lose the weight as basically all of my extra wight is in my stomach, hips, and thighs. I gained the weight during my pregnancy with my son who is now 2 1/2 and I just never lost it. I'm worried about having extra skin on my stomach when I lose the fat because it's all stretch marks and flab. Has anyone been in my similar situation with age, weight, weight loss goal and worries? How did it work out? Or does anyone just have any advise at all? Pictures are always encouraging. Thanks!


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    No, no one who has lost weight has ever worried about loose skin. Ever. :huh:

    Or, if you don't believe that, click on 'Search' (it's right up there ^^^^^) and enter "loose skin." You'll get more pages of results than you probably know what to do with, but you'll also see posts from people who both have loose skin and those who snapped back. Other than telling you to lose weight slowly, there's probably not much else you can do to prevent it. It's all going to depend on your body and your skin's elasticity. You're young, so you have that going for you.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    It is possible considering that you have had a child that you may have some slightly loose skin. But being that you're 21 and not very overweight, you stand a good chance of being fine and with only some stretch marks showing.
  • Thanks guys
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    It's very unlikely that you'll have loose skin at 21 from 20 extra lbs.

    BUT to ease your mind, the best way to avoid it is to lose weight slowly (0.5-1lb/wk at your size), drink enough water, and make sure there's enough fat in your diet.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Loose skin doesn't usually happen with such a small goal on such young skin. I'm 5 years older than you and lost the same amount of weight, no loose skin.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It's very unlikely that you'll have loose skin at 21 from 20 extra lbs.

    BUT to ease your mind, the best way to avoid it is to lose weight slowly (0.5-1lb/wk at your size), drink enough water, and make sure there's enough fat in your diet.

    belaboring this point...
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    I turn 20 in March so I'm close to you in age.I have lost 35 pounds from my highest weight and have about 20 to go. I don't have any lose skin at all. I wouldn't worry about it. You are young and don't have much to lose. And don't worry about the stretch marks either. Pretty much everyone has them. They aren't a big deal. :)
  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    Not sure about loose skin, but as a fellow 21 year-old I think that I can safely say that every person I've ever seen with a top off has had stretch marks somewhere on their body - some people more noticeable than others.. not a big deal. Plus, you had a baby so it's kind of to be expected, no?
  • Not sure about loose skin, but as a fellow 21 year-old I think that I can safely say that every person I've ever seen with a top off has had stretch marks somewhere on their body - some people more noticeable than others.. not a big deal. Plus, you had a baby so it's kind of to be expected, no?

    I'm not worried about the stretch marks, to me their just my symbols of bringing my son into the world and I'm actually proud of them. I only mentioned them to describe what my stomach looks like, I'm only worrie about my stomach having loose skin because it's not a tight type of fat stomach it's really jiggly and filled with squishy bubbly fat from the pregnancy and always drinking soda literally 24/7(but I have cut out soda completely for about a week now even though I get horrid migraines from caffeine withdrawal because my soda was Mountain Dew code red). But you guys are really making me worry less about having the loose skin. I'm doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD so I'm hoping that will help me tone while losing weight and inches :)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I have a naturally jiggly lower belly when I put on weight (genetics, big time!) and I lost 30 lbs a few years ago with not a trace of lose skin. I'm 43, so that should tell you something :D

    I've never had children, but the jiggly fat could just be subcutaneous fat, which is the healthier kind. I've not carried it for years and years on end, and that might make a difference, but I get quite the jiggly lower belly! I got asked if I was pregnant and the whole nine yards. It shrank great (I lost/lose very slowly and lift weights).
  • I have a naturally jiggly lower belly when I put on weight (genetics, big time!) and I lost 30 lbs a few years ago with not a trace of lose skin. I'm 43, so that should tell you something :D

    I've never had children, but the jiggly fat could just be subcutaneous fat, which is the healthier kind. I've not carried it for years and years on end, and that might make a difference, but I get quite the jiggly lower belly! I got asked if I was pregnant and the whole nine yards. It shrank great (I lost/lose very slowly and lift weights).

    There's a difference in fat? Is the healthier fat the jiggly kind and is it easier to lose than the harder more solid fat?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I have a naturally jiggly lower belly when I put on weight (genetics, big time!) and I lost 30 lbs a few years ago with not a trace of lose skin. I'm 43, so that should tell you something :D

    I've never had children, but the jiggly fat could just be subcutaneous fat, which is the healthier kind. I've not carried it for years and years on end, and that might make a difference, but I get quite the jiggly lower belly! I got asked if I was pregnant and the whole nine yards. It shrank great (I lost/lose very slowly and lift weights).

    There's a difference in fat? Is the healthier fat the jiggly kind and is it easier to lose than the harder more solid fat?

    The unhealthy belly fat is called visceral fat, its actually in your torso around your organs, you can't really see it the way you can see subcutaneous fat- which is right under the skin. Its classically more prevalent in "apple shaped" people.
  • I have a naturally jiggly lower belly when I put on weight (genetics, big time!) and I lost 30 lbs a few years ago with not a trace of lose skin. I'm 43, so that should tell you something :D

    I've never had children, but the jiggly fat could just be subcutaneous fat, which is the healthier kind. I've not carried it for years and years on end, and that might make a difference, but I get quite the jiggly lower belly! I got asked if I was pregnant and the whole nine yards. It shrank great (I lost/lose very slowly and lift weights).

    There's a difference in fat? Is the healthier fat the jiggly kind and is it easier to lose than the harder more solid fat?

    The unhealthy belly fat is called visceral fat, its actually in your torso around your organs, you can't really see it the way you can see subcutaneous fat- which is right under the skin. Its classically more prevalent in "apple shaped" people.

    How can I tell what shape I am?
  • I have a naturally jiggly lower belly when I put on weight (genetics, big time!) and I lost 30 lbs a few years ago with not a trace of lose skin. I'm 43, so that should tell you something :D

    I've never had children, but the jiggly fat could just be subcutaneous fat, which is the healthier kind. I've not carried it for years and years on end, and that might make a difference, but I get quite the jiggly lower belly! I got asked if I was pregnant and the whole nine yards. It shrank great (I lost/lose very slowly and lift weights).

    There's a difference in fat? Is the healthier fat the jiggly kind and is it easier to lose than the harder more solid fat?

    The unhealthy belly fat is called visceral fat, its actually in your torso around your organs, you can't really see it the way you can see subcutaneous fat- which is right under the skin. Its classically more prevalent in "apple shaped" people.

    I just did a body type calculator with my measurements and it said I'm a pear. My measurements are: Bust- 34; Waist- 31; Hips- 38.
    I'm hoping to lose inches along with or rather than weight (meaning ill gladly be happy with 140ls if it's slim toned tight muscle)
  • SNCisMe
    SNCisMe Posts: 5 Member
    After my first baby my skin went back. After my second baby there is more skin that wrinkles some when I sit. I,ve lost all the baby weight but am trying to loose a little more. I've been doing It very slowly and the skin seems to be adjusting. Even though its not perfect I feel great about the loss and improved look!