900 net kCals for a week?

Hey all,

I have been doing 1300 net kCals for the last few months, and lost quite a lot of weight.

On new year's day, I decided it would be a no limit cheat day, and got over 4000 kCals! :drinker:

Anyway, now I decided that I need to average my daily intake over a week to 1300. In order to do that, I would need to be at a 900 kCals a day for 6 days : ((900*6)+4000) / 7 = 1342.86 kCal on average per day.

I know it isn't healthy to go under 1000 kCals a day long term, but what about for these 6 days? Is it gonna be bad for me?

It should be noted that I actually consume much more, but burn it working out. So if I net 900, it would mean that I ate about 1700 and burned about 800.




  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Why the obsession with losing so much so quickly? What is wrong with losing half a pound a week?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why the obsession with losing so much so quickly? What is wrong with losing half a pound a week?

  • Touji
    Touji Posts: 32 Member
    Why the obsession with losing so much so quickly? What is wrong with losing half a pound a week?
    I'm not going to say it's the right thing to do, because it's not, but losing weight is addictive.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Nah it won't really do you any long term damage, but I would say it's certainly not needed.

    I'm following a very low calorie diet under the supervision of my doctor and net around 800 calories a day. But that involves all kind of shakes and vitamins that makes sure I hit my required nutrients.

    Even at a much higher daily calorie average you will still lose weight. 1300 is quite low. I'm a 5ft 4in woman and I lose weight netting 1700 calories a day on my regular plan. I'm sure if you hit your usual 1300 for the rest of the week you would still lose weight this week.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    You won't do any permanent damage. But when you go back to your regular diet after a week, you might see a bump in the scale. So don't weigh in daily.
    IMHO, you should keep up with your current daily calories allowance and everything will even itself smoothly.
    I'd personnaly starve on a 900 calories diet and would be unbearable to other people.
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    dunno why people decide to punish themselves unnecessarily
  • simobk
    simobk Posts: 6 Member
    Hey thanks everyone. Although the question was more about the "What happens", many answers where about the "Why", so maybe I should make it clear.

    My mind is such that I need plans in whatever I do. I tried weight loss and working out many times with no success, until I made a yearly plan and followed it.

    I checked medical recommendations which suggest a 1 to 2% weekly loss is ideal, and I am going with 1%, which honestly isn't that hard. With the amount of exercise I do, I can usually feel pretty full after my meals. :)

    Thanks again. :)
  • chantalscott1
    chantalscott1 Posts: 25 Member
    dunno why people decide to punish themselves unnecessarily

    ^This. Life happens, roll with it.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    Why are you netting so low to begin with? 1300 net sounds low for a dude.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    That's super low in general. I'm a 5'5" female and my intake is 1550 +more if I exercise. I lose around 1 lb a week.. I thought men were supposed to net around 1700 net?
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    That's seems completely unnecessary. Also 1300net?? I'm a 43yr old 5'3 woman and that's my net on days I do nothing but lay around and watch TV. It is much too low for any male, please set a more realistic and healthy calorie goal for yourself. Your body will thank you for it and in the long term it will make this journey something you can sustain for life. :flowerforyou:
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Why are you netting so low to begin with? 1300 net sounds low for a dude.

    I eat/net that amount when I'm sick. I can't imagine it being helpful when you're healthy.

    OP, you might want to check here for some guidance - http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Are you a guy?

    If so, why the heck are you eating so low? There is 0, yes ZERO, reason to.
  • simobk
    simobk Posts: 6 Member
    I actually was at 1500kCal, and just lowered it a couple of weeks ago. I only have about 8 lbs left to loose, and they are the hardest, which is why I did.

    Again, to make it clear, I am following medical recommendations and actually losing less than 1% of my body weight per week.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I actually was at 1500kCal, and just lowered it a couple of weeks ago. I only have about 8 lbs left to loose, and they are the hardest, which is why I did.

    Again, to make it clear, I am following medical recommendations and actually losing less than 1% of my body weight per week.
    Wait a minute. You only have a few more pounds to go and you are lowering your calories?

    Your last few pounds are supposed to come off the slowest, like a half a pound a week. Your doctor is all for you eating such low calories? Why?

    Being you are male, you should be eating a lot more than 1,300, and probably even more than 1,500.

    Have patience.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I know it isn't healthy to go under 1000 kCals a day long term, but what about for these 6 days? Is it gonna be bad for me?

    Physically, it certainly won't do damage to your body.

    Stallone leaned-out for one of the Rocky flicks doing 1k calories/day - something like 10 eggs and one piece of toast. Those last few pounds can be a bugger...!
  • simobk
    simobk Posts: 6 Member
    Oh, sorry it might not be clear. I didn't say I saw a doctor. I just read that medical recommendations are 1 to 2% of your body weight per week.


    This is my weight loss graph (in kilos). The blue line represents a 1% loss per week, the red line is my actual weight loss. I started weighing myself and counting my calories on 2013/10/21. Before that, I just had my starting point.

    Anyway, all this is just to say that, if you look at the graph, I am on a very healthy weight loss, not too fast, not too slow, just cruising along the 1% /week.

    Oh, and you also notice the effect of the new year's 4000 kCal :)
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    Hey all,

    I have been doing 1300 net kCals for the last few months, and lost quite a lot of weight.

    On new year's day, I decided it would be a no limit cheat day, and got over 4000 kCals! :drinker:

    Anyway, now I decided that I need to average my daily intake over a week to 1300. In order to do that, I would need to be at a 900 kCals a day for 6 days : ((900*6)+4000) / 7 = 1342.86 kCal on average per day.

    I know it isn't healthy to go under 1000 kCals a day long term, but what about for these 6 days? Is it gonna be bad for me?

    It should be noted that I actually consume much more, but burn it working out. So if I net 900, it would mean that I ate about 1700 and burned about 800.



    Everybody's stating the obvious so I'll try to answer your question.

    I have also tried a diet like yours a while ago, lost a boatload of weight fast(15 - 20lbs every month), but over the course of a year when I tried eating like a normal person again, gained it all back.

    Men shouldn't really go under 1800 kcal/day, < 1000 kcal/day is what 55kg k pop stars eat who are considered anarexic.

    Body builders, wrestlers, and actors all have the will to go on 'crash' diets to lose weight, but the reason why they 'try' to hire trainers and nutritionist when going that low(below 1500 kcal for men, 1200 kcal for women) is because it can cause serious long term damage to their health and permanently damage their metabolism.

    So the answer is.... yes it's bad for you.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    sure,, sounds good to me,, i do 2 to 3 hours cardio a day, easily burn over 1000 a day,
    and i fast, i can lose pounds very fast.,
    and sure if i pig out, then i gain,,,
    its all about doing what you feel is right and good for you.