Why do I even TRY?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    do you know what your BF% is?

    at your height you arent really over weight so losing 'vanity pounds' is hard!
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Once I got close to my goal weight I cared less about the scale and more about bodyfat measurements.

    While the scale number is important - there's few ways someone of my height is healthy at 200+ pounds - it is NOT the be-all-to-end-all of determining fitness or health.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    Open your diary so we can have a look?
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Why do you try? Because of this from your own profile:

    -Living a long, healthy life
    -Being a healthy mom
    -Being a good role model for our child

    You accomplish all of this already I presume by simply doing what you are already doing: living a healthy and active lifestyle. You might want to look a little different then you are now but understand you are already succeeding in numerous ways.

    Keep calm and carry on.

    ^^ This!!

    Actually given what you said about sleep, I'd say keep going at maintenance for the moment, and try to fix your sleep problems. As one of the other posters said, you're not overweight at the moment so you don't need to worry about unhealthiness from your weight but sleep problems can affect your health.

    Also, I find if I'm tired I snack more during the day, a little nibble here and a little nibble there and it all adds up.

    You say your sleep issues are due to dog & toddler issues. I'm not a mum so toddler issues aren't something I can help with, but why do your dogs need to be let out over night?

    What has worked with my dogs has been to train them to pee on command (just use the same word when you see them pee and praise them for a while, eventually they get it, no hardcore active training required). Take them out just before you go to bed to pee, then when you get back indoors give them a "time to sleep" command and have some sort of routine that tells them to settle down. Then they mostly (with rare accidents) go overnight for about 6-8 hours before they need to pee again.

    That said, if a male dog has been neutered too young, it can cause bladder issues which may need checking out by the vet.

    Do you have a partner/hubby who could help out and do some of the overnight runs so you can improve your sleep?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Is the 163 counting the 8 lbs. you just gained? Your profile said your goal was 150. You're at a 'healthy' BMI now so it's not going to go down easily.

    Sometimes I think nothing's changed in a year and I've been doing it all right for that long but if I really dig, I find out maybe I did lose 5 lbs. in that year and maybe I didn't really diet that hard the whole year. I'm not saying you're lying but if you can make 100% sure nothing's changed you might find something actually has, which might make you feel better.

    8 lbs of recent gain is probably water weight from holiday treats. Forget about the scale and eat right and exercise because it's the right things for your health. Just being AT a healthy BMI after having a baby is terrific.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I think someone needs a macro change up... I think it will help.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    If you're gaining, you're in calorie surplus. End of story.

  • Fit_Natasha
    Fit_Natasha Posts: 83 Member
    You doing great and don't give up!
    Agree with previous suggestions. First of all, get the help from the partner, parents or friends. You need an adequate sleep. If you can't get it at night -- take a nap when your toddler napping during a day, even if it is only 30 min.
    Schedule an appointment with doctor. When your thyroid was checked, have you seen the test results? If thyroid is really OK, get an appointment with OBGYN to discuss your new BC and weight gain.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    You bother doing this to not gain 80 pounds back!! Maybe you are maintaining (minus the 8 pounds..... got to figure that one out) instead of losing, but you DID lose 80 pounds and this is amazing! Don't give up!!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    If you're gaining, you're in calorie surplus. End of story.


    This. And I echo what others said about losing the last few vanity pounds. It's hard, and it takes a while.

    Just because something worked the first time doesn't mean it will work the second time. You may have lost some muscle mass while you were pregnant, and it could be the reason why you can't lose at the same calorie intake you could before. It's just an idea, because I'm pretty sure I lost muscle while I was pregnant. Our bodies take a toll during that time.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    I'm 5 ft 8.5 inches tall and as of this morning weigh 163. I WANT to get back to where I was pre-baby after weight loss, which was around 140, and which I maintained without any trouble at 1,800 calories a day with workouts.

    I do track everything. But I must admit that the longer this has gone on I've developed more of an "oh well it's not working anyway" attitude. Maybe a couple of days I've had a mini chocolate bar or two. I haven't had a real chocolate bar or dessert in years. I'll crack down again.

    I do weigh everything. And I've been strength training since 2007, but only recently changed up the overall routine a bit. But that's been a couple of months back.

    I'm really wondering if I'm not having a hormonal imbalance. I've actually had my thyroid checked recently and it was just fine. But I may make an appointment to check the hormones, considering I gained 10 pounds initially getting OFF birth control a couple of years ago, and recently switched to a new kind now that I think about it.

    One of you commented that my efforts are resulting in maintenance. But they're NOT. I'm gaining weight. Sleep isn't an option...between two dogs that need out multiple times a night and a toddler who dreams really, really loudly, I'm up at least three times a night. Usually more. So maybe I'm just stuck.

    Thanks for listening, y'all. If I tell anyone here this they look at me like I'm insane. lol

    I don't really have much to add on the actual issue but I did want to say that when you get your hormone levels checked ask specifically to check estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, insulin, all androgens, FSH and LH levels. Sometimes they will only check the estrogen and testosterone and tell you all is fine. It took my doctors 6 years to test all my levels and once they did they realized that I had PCOS and that was what was causing my weight issues. Not that you have that or anything but sometimes the devil is in the details including hormonal imbalances.