New friends please - doing c25k :)

Im looking for new motivational buddys. Im on week 3 day 1 of c25k and its going ok. I want to lose around a stone. Main issue for me is change from pretty physical job to 9-5 desk job and snacking. Just need to flip the routine.
I live in Glasgow btw.
Look forward to having some new pals :)



  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    Yay....Livingston here....

    I finished week 1 of C25K this morning at the gym.....too cauld for outside!!! LOL

    Been here a while and always looking for new like-minded friends.

    Feel free to add (if my profile is what you think may help).
  • LesBrock
    LesBrock Posts: 44 Member
    Just started on the treadmill at home, easing in slowly this time, I usually go mad and make my already bad knees ( combination of my current job and running etc in boots in the Army a long while ago), even worse.

    Once my legs get over the shock of being used again, then I'll have a crack at the C25K

    You can never have enough friends and support.
  • drangonfly2323
    drangonfly2323 Posts: 197 Member
    I am on week 5 right now, and I have never been a runner and I have never been really physically active so this has been extremely hard for me. I am always looking for support to get me through some of the harder weeks. This week has been difficult to get the motivation.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Im glad to see people having success with c25k...its how i started..I never actually finished because I decided to train for a half marathon..have done 3 since..

    keep up the good work with definitly turned running into an addiction for me.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Not doing c25k but I do run.

    Stick with it! Keep in mind that the program has you either running for time or distance, not both. So do not feel compelled to cover the distance in a given amount of time. Go at a pace that is comfortable for you to finish.
    Running was hard at first, and honestly I didn't like it. But I kept at it, and it got easier. Once you have that run where everything feels good, then it's sooooo worth it!