Low carb...excerise... and 1230 calories a day don't mix!



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Eat more of what you listed to get the calories. While I net around 700 calories a day, I exercise 900 calories off a day and eat about 1600. You will lose the weight, just don't be so aggressive unless you have a proven plan.

    Um ......netting 700 calories a day IS aggressive.

    When you have at least 75 pounds to lose you can hang onto muscle mass while on an aggressive plan. When you have less to lose .....aggressive weight loss leads to muscle loss (along with fat).
  • Um.. Eat MORE for lunch. Eat MORE for dinner. Have snacks. Nuts, avocados, beans are all good sources of protein. If you had a slice of whole grain toast for breakfast that wouldn't be horrible. Why are you eating low carb? Unless you have been told by a doctor, you need to have carbs to be healthy. You just want to have more complex carbs.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Just wanted to put my 2 cents in. I eat low carb/wheat, grain, gluten free. That means high fat, high protein. I also work out, and find that if I get dizzy or low on energy, it's my body telling me it needs more food. I eat peanut butter or chicken, nuts or cheese to keep my energy up.
    My typical day is coffee with real cream, eggs with cheese for breakfast (cooked in bacon fat or butter). This keeps me full until or past lunch time. When I get hungry again, I eat a protein like chicken (with skin and fat...yum) with a veggie side. Work out doing high energy aerobics, and have a snack or dinner if I'm hungry afterwards. My dinners are usually chicken, pork, steak. Meat for sure with a side of veggies or a salad.
    I think most importantly, eat when you are hungry, especially if you are working out. Make every calorie count though, and make smart choices. Fats and protein keep you fuller longer and give you energy to keep it up. If you eat low calories, you aren't fueling your workouts.
    Good luck!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Im finding it really hard on low carb eating 1230 calories....

    Need some help!... plus... if I do the cross trainer for say 10mins I burn 190 calories... currently on a calorie deficit of 5390 per week...

    OK, this doesn't stack up. If your calorie goal is 1230, itself not high, why are you only consuming 2/3 of that? What are you finding is the problem?

    What are your reasons for eating low carb specifically?

    And I think your cross trainer is wildly over-optimistic. I ran for 45 minutes this morning at reasonable pace and only burned three time that...
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Eat more of what you listed to get the calories. While I net around 700 calories a day, I exercise 900 calories off a day and eat about 1600. You will lose the weight, just don't be so aggressive unless you have a proven plan.

    whow, ok I need to really rethink my game plan...I haven't lost weight, however I am around 1300 a day net...seems most people are saying to net 600-800 a day...informative!! thanks

    No. No no no no no. Do not listen to the people saying that. Your body cannot live off 600 - 800 cals a day, unless you want to lose all your hair, have terrible skin and be constantly tired?

    To the OP, why are you eating so low carb? There's no reason to unless you have a medical reason. It's not very clear what you are asking from your post, but your body needs carbs, especially when you are exercising.
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    I was the same way. I was put on 1260 in late November. Since I exercise and eat low carbs, I wasn't getting anywhere. Friends suggested upping the calories, so I changed my stats from "Sedentary" to "Lightly Active." and it boosted me up to about 1420 (which was where I started August 2013), and I'm back on track. :D

    Everyone's different, just try to find the right strategy for yourself with all the pointers people give.
  • really what is going on with all the women on here posting they are on a 1200 cal diet unless you weigh like 105 you should not be eating this little. You are going to lose for a bit then plateu and gain it back due to metabolic damage smh it hurts to read this stuff
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Im 5ft 7in.. 219lb
    Just finding it hard to eat all the calories i need... i get full really easily too.
    I shall have a look at fat bombs..

    what did you used to eat before you wanted to lose weight?

    Exactly. You didn't get to 219lb by not eating enough calories. :noway:

    I'm not sure about the OP but I do know that for me, eating low carb and higher fat does make me more full more quickly and I had to naturally start eating more times throughout the day to get to my calorie goal. Fat is very satiating for me where as carbs at the same caloric level leave me feeling hungry. This might be what she is experiencing.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Eat more of what you listed to get the calories. While I net around 700 calories a day, I exercise 900 calories off a day and eat about 1600. You will lose the weight, just don't be so aggressive unless you have a proven plan.

    whow, ok I need to really rethink my game plan...I haven't lost weight, however I am around 1300 a day net...seems most people are saying to net 600-800 a day...informative!! thanks

    No. No no no no no. Do not listen to the people saying that. Your body cannot live off 600 - 800 cals a day, unless you want to lose all your hair, have terrible skin and be constantly tired?

    To the OP, why are you eating so low carb? There's no reason to unless you have a medical reason. It's not very clear what you are asking from your post, but your body needs carbs, especially when you are exercising.

    Some people do better on low carb. Also, you can still work out on low carb and be fine. I have more energy now than I did when I was overeating carbs. I feel better eating this way in general and it helped me to lose 30 lbs(gained back 8ish over the holidays, and I've so far lost 5 of the 8) since starting in July.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Eat more of what you listed to get the calories. While I net around 700 calories a day, I exercise 900 calories off a day and eat about 1600. You will lose the weight, just don't be so aggressive unless you have a proven plan.

    whow, ok I need to really rethink my game plan...I haven't lost weight, however I am around 1300 a day net...seems most people are saying to net 600-800 a day...informative!! thanks

    No. No no no no no. Do not listen to the people saying that. Your body cannot live off 600 - 800 cals a day, unless you want to lose all your hair, have terrible skin and be constantly tired?

    To the OP, why are you eating so low carb? There's no reason to unless you have a medical reason. It's not very clear what you are asking from your post, but your body needs carbs, especially when you are exercising.

    Some people do better on low carb. Also, you can still work out on low carb and be fine. I have more energy now than I did when I was overeating carbs. I feel better eating this way in general and it helped me to lose 30 lbs(gained back 8ish over the holidays, and I've so far lost 5 of the 8) since starting in July.

    I agree! I have way more energy on low carb also!
  • I really dont like carbs at all,
    I am kind of following the south beach diet..

    Before I started I used to eat say 1 proper meal a day... snacks all day on crisps and chocolate etc.. and when I did phase 1 of the south beach diet (for 2 weeks) I'd lost over a stone.
    I found that when I had to introduce carbs back into phase 2 I felt sick, and didn't really want to eat carbs..
    I kinda wanted help to find more snacking type foods and things I could add in to boost my calorie intake..
    I kinda didnt want people jumping down my neck about it.
    Low-carb high fat works for me... so I don't want to change that.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Im 5ft 7in.. 219lb
    Just finding it hard to eat all the calories i need... i get full really easily too.
    I shall have a look at fat bombs..

    what did you used to eat before you wanted to lose weight?

    Exactly. You didn't get to 219lb by not eating enough calories. :noway:

    I'm not sure about the OP but I do know that for me, eating low carb and higher fat does make me more full more quickly and I had to naturally start eating more times throughout the day to get to my calorie goal. Fat is very satiating for me where as carbs at the same caloric level leave me feeling hungry. This might be what she is experiencing.

    I would agree if the OP was eating a reasonable number of cals... but being 'full' on 2 eggs and a rasher of bacon seems unlikely.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I really dont like carbs at all,
    I am kind of following the south beach diet..

    Before I started I used to eat say 1 proper meal a day... snacks all day on crisps and chocolate etc.. and when I did phase 1 of the south beach diet (for 2 weeks) I'd lost over a stone.
    I found that when I had to introduce carbs back into phase 2 I felt sick, and didn't really want to eat carbs..
    I kinda wanted help to find more snacking type foods and things I could add in to boost my calorie intake..
    I kinda didnt want people jumping down my neck about it.
    Low-carb high fat works for me... so I don't want to change that.

    Ignore the naysayers. This happens quite often when people announce they're eating low carb. It's silly. But I would definitely suggest cooking with more butters and oils to up the calories of your meals. Definitely give fat bombs a try. One thing I love to add to salads is 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :huh:
  • actually. wasnt a rasher of bacon it was 2... jeeze. people love to jump down your throat.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    I really dont like carbs at all,
    I am kind of following the south beach diet..

    Before I started I used to eat say 1 proper meal a day... snacks all day on crisps and chocolate etc.. and when I did phase 1 of the south beach diet (for 2 weeks) I'd lost over a stone.
    I found that when I had to introduce carbs back into phase 2 I felt sick, and didn't really want to eat carbs..
    I kinda wanted help to find more snacking type foods and things I could add in to boost my calorie intake..
    I kinda didnt want people jumping down my neck about it.
    Low-carb high fat works for me... so I don't want to change that.

    Glad you found what works for you and I have the same thing with carbs most of the time! Snacks that I fall back on regularly:

    Full fat cheese of any kind really
    lunch meats
    almonds (even some flavored almonds have very low carbs. I like just the roasted/salted ones though)
    coffee or tea with 1-2 T of heavy whipping cream to get my day going
    If I have a few left over carbs, 1T peanut butter on a spoon
    veggies dipped in full fat ranch, blue cheese or other dressing
    I would definitely check out the fat bombs. I have never used them but heard great things

    Other calorie increasers:

    Cook with real butter, olive oil and coconut oil. Even 1T has good calories
    Don't take the skin off your chicken or the fat off of other meats. That is good for this diet plus adds calories!
    Put butter on your servings of veggies with dinner.
    Add cheese to your eggs in the morning
    use thick sliced ham for lunch but use the same number of slices. kinda tricks your brain into eating more. In this case that is good!
  • Thanks to those that have helped..
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I really dont like carbs at all,
    I am kind of following the south beach diet..

    Before I started I used to eat say 1 proper meal a day... snacks all day on crisps and chocolate etc.. and when I did phase 1 of the south beach diet (for 2 weeks) I'd lost over a stone.
    I found that when I had to introduce carbs back into phase 2 I felt sick, and didn't really want to eat carbs..
    I kinda wanted help to find more snacking type foods and things I could add in to boost my calorie intake..
    I kinda didnt want people jumping down my neck about it.
    Low-carb high fat works for me... so I don't want to change that.

    Ignore the naysayers. This happens quite often when people announce they're eating low carb. It's silly. But I would definitely suggest cooking with more butters and oils to up the calories of your meals. Definitely give fat bombs a try. One thing I love to add to salads is 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds.

    It's because the majority of the time, people unhappily subject themselves to low carb diets because they have some misconstrued notion that carbs are evil and you will lose more weight by cutting them out, which is complete fiction. It's very rare that you come across someone that simply doesn't like carbs.

    The people that asked, including myself, were doing just that; simply asking a question. It's not 'silly' at all. If the OP were to increase her carbs she would be eating more calories, which would solve the apparent problem she has. I think you both need to stop being so defensive.
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    I really dont like carbs at all,
    I am kind of following the south beach diet..

    Before I started I used to eat say 1 proper meal a day... snacks all day on crisps and chocolate etc.. and when I did phase 1 of the south beach diet (for 2 weeks) I'd lost over a stone.
    I found that when I had to introduce carbs back into phase 2 I felt sick, and didn't really want to eat carbs..
    I kinda wanted help to find more snacking type foods and things I could add in to boost my calorie intake..
    I kinda didnt want people jumping down my neck about it.
    Low-carb high fat works for me... so I don't want to change that.

    Ignore the naysayers. This happens quite often when people announce they're eating low carb. It's silly. But I would definitely suggest cooking with more butters and oils to up the calories of your meals. Definitely give fat bombs a try. One thing I love to add to salads is 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds.

    It's because the majority of the time, people unhappily subject themselves to low carb diets because they have some misconstrued notion that carbs are evil and you will lose more weight by cutting them out, which is complete fiction. It's very rare that you come across someone that simply doesn't like carbs.

    The people that asked, including myself, were doing just that; simply asking a question. It's not 'silly' at all. If the OP were to increase her carbs she would be eating more calories, which would solve the apparent problem she has. I think you both need to stop being so defensive.

    ^^^Took the words right out of my mouth.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I really dont like carbs at all,
    I am kind of following the south beach diet..

    Before I started I used to eat say 1 proper meal a day... snacks all day on crisps and chocolate etc.. and when I did phase 1 of the south beach diet (for 2 weeks) I'd lost over a stone.
    I found that when I had to introduce carbs back into phase 2 I felt sick, and didn't really want to eat carbs..
    I kinda wanted help to find more snacking type foods and things I could add in to boost my calorie intake..
    I kinda didnt want people jumping down my neck about it.
    Low-carb high fat works for me... so I don't want to change that.

    Ignore the naysayers. This happens quite often when people announce they're eating low carb. It's silly. But I would definitely suggest cooking with more butters and oils to up the calories of your meals. Definitely give fat bombs a try. One thing I love to add to salads is 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds.

    It's because the majority of the time, people unhappily subject themselves to low carb diets because they have some misconstrued notion that carbs are evil and you will lose more weight by cutting them out, which is complete fiction. It's very rare that you come across someone that simply doesn't like carbs.

    The people that asked, including myself, were doing just that; simply asking a question. It's not 'silly' at all. If the OP were to increase her carbs she would be eating more calories, which would solve the apparent problem she has. I think you both need to stop being so defensive.

    Unhappily? I actually LOVE eating this way. The food is more tastier to me and occasionally I have a cheat day. The weight loss is an awesome bonus as well. Also, low carb is not cutting out carbs. It's limiting them, which can be beneficial to some people. I don't think carbs are evil, but they do make me feel yucky when I eat too many of them.