So frustrated!

Ok so my weight has been a battle almost all my life. I had lost 50lbs and looked great... for about a month then it started coming right back. I have been "dieting" for years now and exercising like crazy. I am a very active person, running, swimming, cycling. I even teach aerobics classes (water aerobics and spinning). Anyhow I was convinced that I had a thyroid problem or something. How could I work out as much as I do and not lose any weight. Not to mention I have a kick *kitten* body under the fluff (I have amazing tight muscles and I want to see them... again!). After a visit to the Endocrinologist she told me she thinks that my problem was that I was "starving" myself. Somehow over the years of constant dieting and cutting calories every time I wasn't seeing results I ended up consuming 1180 calories daily while still continuing to exercise the way that I do.

So now I have increased my caloric intake to anywhere between 1500-2000 (I try to eat 2000 on the days I am doing multiple sports in one day ie teaching water aerobics and cycling in the same day). The whole point to this "rant" was that I have gained 7 lbs! Now I expected to gain a little because my body is pulling out of starvation mode but I was wondering if anyone else has any knowledge on how long it takes your body to recover from being malnurished? Or any support, because after years of up and down weight loss, working out, and eating healthy I am officially frustrated : (


  • picklep
    picklep Posts: 1
    Don't give up! It does sound like you were in SM and going up the 7lbs + should come off as your body readjusts. Also, increase your water! You can be in Water SM where your body will hold on to any little ounce!
    Just stick with it - it sounds like the exercise isn't your issue but you definately need to fuel your body!
    Good luck!
  • ladylion23
    Hi Pilotgirl2007,
    I am not sure how long it will take because it differs for everyone (as we all have different bodies that react differently). But I can say that I share your pain with excercising and not loosing any weight. I joined a gym almost a year ago and actually gained. The most frustrating of all is that I do, and have, eaten healthy my whole life. In fact, I was a vegetarian for the last two years. Thyroid conditions run in my family so like you, I thought maybe this was the culprit, but turns out mine is just fine. I have concluded that the excercises in the gym are just not right for me. I had tried curves once which did absolutely nothing but I lost weight while taking karate classes; however, lack of time and babysitter prevented me from continuing. I guess the magical trick is finding the excercises that your body responds to. It sounds like your body and muscles are accustom to the aerobic workouts, just as our muscles are accustom to walking or writing. Don't give up, try something your body is not comfortable with--that doesn't use the same muscles as your current regime does, such as yoga or step.
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    Thanks guys! I appriciate it, makes me feel a little better lol. I drink tons of water as it is so that more than likely isn't the problem. I will give it more time and see what happens (it's only been about 2 weeks and I didn't gain the first week so I will hang in there.)

    -Ladylion23 I have started taking turbo kick classes right before I go to teach aqua and it's a total blast! If you can you should give it a try. I just ordered the turbo jam dvd's and it is supposed to be the same but specific for at home workouts. I will let you know how they are when I get them. That way if you wanted to try them out, I am sure you could find time to fit it in at home since going to the gym is certainly tough when you have kids. I have started taking yoga, granted this is because I want to start teaching it but still I never expected it to make me sore! I was feeling the workout in my back the next day.