Anyone in the DietBet 6 month Transformation Jan-July?

I just dropped $145 on a 6-month long diet bet.. I have to lose 10% by June 7th which should be no problem at all...that's less than 1 lb/week. I refuse to LOSE MONEY so this will be a huge motivator. I'm guaranteed to get my money back if I succeed, and depending on how many other folks succeed, I will actually win a portion of the "pot" that's split between the rest. kinda cool.

I was curious to learn who else might have joined that challenge. I'm also curious if you've done one and if you got a payout over your initial bet - and if was worth it?

Check it out...


  • kjadkins428
    I'm doing the Dec-June one right now! I love Diet Bet! I did a 4 month one in November and won, the final payout was $28.48 (The $15 I paid in plus $13.48 profit!).

    I just weighed in and made my Round 1 goal for my Diet Bet 10. I'm excited to see how the rest of the bet goes! If I make my final weight for this Diet Bet, I'll be about 5 lbs away from my ultimate goal weight!